*유러피안 스타일 시네마 [ Ramin Visch ] Cinema Het Ketelhuis

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사용자 삽입 이미지
사용자 삽입 이미지

Pazzanistraat 13
1014 DB Amsterdam
. The State Monument Ketelhuis (used for the heating installation of the Westergas Factory) has been renovated into a cinema. The Ketelhuis wanted to create an environment where film and bar merge and (film) festivals and congresses can be held for 200 persons. Now the Ketelhuis has three grand halls for cinema, all rooms are put in one large box. The space that is "left" is used for a new bigger café.
Project is public!

Completion   9-2006
Floor area/size  645 m²
Interior architect   Ramin Visch
Client   Stichting Het Ketelhuis
Contributed by  MI_MOA


Designed by JB FACTORY