*자하 하디드, 무브먼트를 남기다 [ Zaha Hadid Architects ] Lotus

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공간을 규정짓고 구획한다.
이렇게 남겨진 흔적들의 라인을
찾아 구현하는 일련의 작업이
이와 같은 설치물을 디자인하는 모티브가 된다.

우리가 정형화하지 못하는 형태에 대하여
구현하는 재미있는 프로젝트인 것 같다.

reviewed by SJ

The ‘Lotus’ room, designed by Zaha Hadid Architects is currently on view during  the 11th Venice Architecture Biennale. Today some photos from THE REAL THING, by the photographer Luke Hayes are available for your eyes only!

Zaha Hadid Architects
Design: Zaha Hadid and Patrik Schumacher
Design Team: Melodie Leung and Gerhild Orthacker
On view 10 Sept – 23 November at the 11th Venice Architecture Biennale
Project description:
The ‘Lotus’ room is conceived as a fragmented enclosure that can be compressed and expanded into programmed areas for resting, sitting, storage, and browsing. A multitude of folds structure these programs both formally and functionally. The space of the room is in transience and fluctuates between two extreme states: one which is highly condensed and exclusive of its surroundings and the other which is unfolded, dispersed and interlocked into its environment. Furniture and Architecture become integrated and mobile as the various parts are released from their compact configuration to reveal a mobile desk with encased chair, bed, shelving, a wardrobe rail/room divider, and end table. Increased variety and possibilities for habitation are revealed as the Lotus seductively sheds and unveils its embedded counterparts.

from  yatzer


Designed by JB FACTORY