*쿠웨이트 블랙 앤 화이트 하우스 [ AGi Architects ] Black and White house, Yarmouk/Kuwait

특색없는 주변건물과 확연히 차별화 되는
블랙앤 화이트 하우스는 백색과 검은색의 대비가 다채로운
볼륨감과 함께 어울어져 독특한 메스감을 느끼게 한다.
(백색의 스터코와 다크그레이의 돌을 사용)
특히 리드믹컬한 볼륨과 빛의 만남으로
연출되는 빛과 그림자의 대비 또한 드라마틱한
분위기를 자아낸다.
내외부의 다양한 볼륨감과 공간감은
거주민들에게 사적인 즐거움을 안겨주는 동시에
내외부의 경계를 비쥬얼적으로 확장시켜
공간의 연속성을 크게한다.

주변의 무채색톤의 획일화된 주거와는 달리
리드믹컬한 볼륨감의 레지덴셜은
거주자의 아이텐티를 충분히 올려주고도 남는다.

reviewed by SJ

Located on a main highway in Kuwait, the houses differentiate themselves from their surroundings by their stark façade design. With two contrasting colors, the façade is designed to define the individual houses, while achieving unity amongst all six. White stucco material is used as the base for all the houses, while dark grey bands of stone turn corners, go indoors, and climb up and down, creating flow and continuity throughout the project.

Project Details:
Location: Yarmouk, Kuwait
Type: Houses - Residential
Architects: AGi Architects - www.agi-architects.com
Date: 2006/2009
Photos: Nelson Garrido

The front villas are introverted courtyard houses. Large windows of the main spaces overlook this courtyard that create dramatic light and shadow contrasts, while smaller strip windows face the street. Various outdoor spaces are located at different levels to provide ample light into the adjacent spaces, in addition to creating outdoor terraces and pool areas.

The back villas overlook a garden facing the highway. Volumetric spaces and dramatic light-wells drive the visitors into the main entrance of the house, and lead them onto the garden, which not only extends the space to the landscape through large windows, but also acts as a buffer between the houses and the busy road. The landscape separates the houses from each other through different levels that ultimately create privacy and independence from each other.

Natural light and ventilation are an important aspect of the design. Each house has a certain level of complexity in terms of spatial organization and relationship between indoor and outdoor. With every visit to the houses, one discovers new spatial and visual experiences.
Different levels and careful program layout were studied to achieve maximum privacy from one another.

from  architecturelab


Designed by JB FACTORY