*틈 하우스 [ tetsushi tominaga architect & associates ] gap house

화이트 볼륨의 메스들 간의 긴장감은
수직과 수평의 분열을 일으키며
슬릿한 틈을 발생시킨다.
틈은 공간과 공간, 메스와 메스사이에서
적절한 버퍼공간을 유지시키며
외부환경을 내부로 유입시킨다.
이렇게 유입된 빛은 내부공간의
화이트 스페이스에 펼쳐져 있는
긴장감을 완화시켜주며
공간과 공간을 이어주는 중요한
역활을 수행한다.

reviewed by SJ

japanese practice tetsushi tominaga architect & associates has sent us images of 'gap house', a two-storey private residence in the center of tokyo, japan. working with the small and narrow site, the design incorporates a common space that stretches both horizontally and vertically to loosely define the interior programs through light chasms in the built volume.

slightly stepped back from the street line to generate a car park outside, the front facade of the house is distinctly characterized by a cross-shaped glazing which provides a level of transparency to the design. the effect graphically 'cuts' the elevation into four sections,
resulting in an illusion of a series of boxes that are levitating in close proximity to one another.

encased within the vertical glass volume is the house's central staircase, which simultaneously defines the living space from the service programs on the ground floor. in a similar manner, light is used to subtly differentiate between the lower level bedroom and study by a 'roof light' outfitted with structural glass. perpendicularly running to the stairs, the catwalk-like hallway connects the second storey together while maintaining the vertical strip of transparency legible
from the street. by arranging the interior around the transversing strips of circulation, the resulting layout is simple and intuitive.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY