*다프트 펑크, 토마스 헬맷 Daft Punk: Thomas helmet

토마스 헬맷 4개월동안의 탄생과정을 지켜보시라...

If you're just arriving on this page, please be sure to visit parts one  two and three of this build, which showcase the sculpting  moldmaking and electronics aspects of the project.  

I haven't done a photoshoot post since 2009 with the Big Daddy suit at the Aquarium, but the Thomas helmet brought in some of the most beautiful shots I've ever had taken of my work. Pair this with the fact that Catherine of God Save The Queen Fashions created an absolutely perfect replica of Daft Punk's "Human After All" era leather costumes, and the overall illusion is simply spectacular.

First, the recap video because if you don't want to read the process, at least you can watch it!

As with my other entry, I would be remiss to neglect mentioning all the help I had with this project. It would not have come together without the efforts of the following people:

Coding for this helmet (Arduino and iOS) was handled by James Moss
The Daft Punk leather suit, which you see below, was fabricated by Catherine Jones of God Save The Queen Fashions
Chroming of the helmet and gloves was handled by Creations n' Chrome
Photography on this page is courtesy of Dan Almasy
Custom circuit board printing was handled by Batch PCB.com
Awesome DeLorean provided for the photoshoot by Derek Lukaschus

from  volpinprops


Designed by JB FACTORY