*바르셀로나 필름 라이브어리 [ Mateo Arquitectura ] Headquarters of the New Film Theatre of Catalonia

우리는 무의식적으로 공간을 치장하고 덧붙여 공간에 순수성을 잃어버리는
일련의 오역된 작업을 하고 있다.
그리고 그와 같은 공간을 디테일한 공간이라고 부르고 있다.
(미스가 말하는 디테일은 공간을 읽기 위해 최소한의 공간을 만들기
위한 일련의 작업이다.)
이와 같이 순수성을 잃어버린 공간은 더이상 장소에 걸맞는 프로그램을 수용하지 못하면서
오역되고 있는 것이 사실이다.
바르셀로나의 도심지에 설치된 필름 라이브어리는 그 장식으로부터 자유를
선언하며 공간의 순수성을 찾기 위한 머나만 여정을 떠난다.
여기 필름 라이브어리를 보면 어쩌면 그 순수성(거친 콘크리트의 솔리드함)이 때로는 스트리트 레벨의
이용자에게 부담감으로 다가오기 때문에 저층부를 비워 외부공간과의 접점을
높이는 작업을 하우스 리셉션과 극장 포이어 그리고 몇가지 인포메이션 시설물로
계획하여 줄인다.
그리고 필요한 프로그램을 지하와 상층부에 위치시켜 도시적 컨텍스트를 충족시킨다.
(2층, 3층에 설치된 도서관과 전시 갤러리를 계획하고 지하에 시네마를 위치함)
어쩌면 일반사람들에게는 마감도 없고 거칠기만한 콘크리트 파사드가 부담감으로 다가 올 수 있지만
건축가와 디자이너가 그 순수성을 잃어 버릴때 그 공간은 장소성을 잃어버리고
장식에 묻혀버린 계륵같은 존재가 되지 않을까?
심플한 메스와 볼륨으로 도시와 호흡하는 공간을 형성시키는 작업이 정말 중요하다는 것을
볼 수 있는 좋은 프로젝트 인 것 같다.

reviewed by SJ

Mateo Arquitectura recently completed the new building for the Film Library of Catalonia in the Raval district of Barcelona. Designed by Josep Lluís Mateo, the project won the first prize in a restricted competition in 2004 and houses archives, a library and cinema halls on a total area of 7,515 sqm (80,891 sqft).

Project Description from the Architects:

Josep Lluís Mateo: "About the form… The ruins mark the structure of the buildings. The Roman forum formalizes the plane of foundations and drains.

In the old town, my building sets out to express itself as pure structure—no cladding, no finishes.

The bare concrete beams-cum-walls that form the façades are very varied, proving themselves members of the family of the dilapidated neighbouring walls, where plaster crumbles to reveal their original central mass.

Filters are juxtaposed on the wall. This cinematographic metaphor is not just conceptual; it is above all physical, sensible. In the old town, with very close relations between buildings, interaction must be mediated, filtered. And this is implemented by a variety of devices, with a vague cinematographic reference.

About the space… The space is organized around two movements: a) The descent into the darkness of the cinemas, with the reflection of the spectators (in turn reflected, actors seen in a series of mirrors); b) The ascent towards the light, towards the places of work.

Two courtyards, connected but not continuous, accompany and construct the movement."

Place and Project

The new film theatre building presents a façade on Plaça de Salvador Seguí, at an angle to Carrer de Sant Pau. Together with the existing constructions, it forms Carrer d’Espalter.

It is very close to the mythical Carrer de Robador, in an area which, despite the major clean-ups still going on and the change in population, is still a popular, built-up, oppressively Mediterranean/port neighbourhood.

Its relation with its setting operates on the following levels:

The project and Plaça de Salvador Seguí:

The plaza represents a clearing in the built-up district of El Raval which, thanks to this construction, attracts new users and hosts large-scale events. A porch on the ground floor can be opened or closed according to functional needs.
The film theatre is a continuation of the building line of the street, blending in with its setting.

The project and its immediate surroundings: Carrer d’Espalter:

The volume of the cinemas is undergrounded, thereby reducing the scale and visual impact of the building. The street is widened a little, drawing the construction back from the building line. The new building reduces the ground floor section at the end walls, which also makes the street wider.


The Film Theatre was conceived as a form “under construction”, as mass and volume without detail. The principal material used is therefore concrete—hard and strong. To accentuate this “unfinished” appearance, the beams extend to the exterior with their tensioning cables.

The building is basically a beam-cum-wall that also frees up space without imposing a domestic presence.

The brief

The brief brings together in a single building functions that were previously housed separately: the library, the archive and the two cinemas, along with administrative and other functions, such as preparing publicity and information. There are also galleries and a cafeteria-bar.

The ground floor houses the reception and foyer to the cinemas, the vertical communication shafts, the cafeteria-bar and the necessary complementary services (ticket desk, etc.)

On the first floor are the library and a permanent exhibition gallery, and the second and third floors house the offices of the ICIC (Catalan Institute of Cultural Industries). The second floor is an open-plan space that looks out over the plaza and the street, Carrer d’Espalter, with a terrace overlooking Carrer de Sant Josep Oriol. The third floor is partially lit by a courtyard that becomes a skylight in the roof of the second floor.

In the basement, beneath the building’s projection, are the two floors of archives and storage, and the part of the basement below the plaza houses the two cinemas.

Project Details:

Site: Plaza Salvador Seguí, distrito del raval, Barcelona
Surface: 7,515 m2
Author: Josep Lluís Mateo
Client: ICIC (Institut Català de les Indústries Culturals)
Budget: 12,000,000 Euros
Structural Engineering: BOMA, Agustí Obiol
Installations Engineering: Grupo JG
Budget Control: Tram
Fire Protection Francesc Labastida
Constructor: Emcofa

from bustler


Designed by JB FACTORY