*스몰 하우스 [ ARHIS architects ] detached house

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reviewed by SJ

'detached house' by latvian practice ARHIS is a renovation project of a small dwellingfrom the 1950s in jurmala, latvia. wrapped in a dark grey skin of vertically running wood panels,the design features a glazed corner that serves as a miniature conservatory within the single-family living space.

situated on a lush site surrounded by well-grown trees, the dwelling takes on a cabin- or farmstead-like stature complete with two outdoor decks and a hip-and-valley roof form.the windows and doors are punched into the surface of the facade,  maintaining the original glazing of the structure behind a now insulated wall. through details and finishes, the project reads as a house that is literally 'wearing' a new skin.

the communal space of the dwelling has been reconstructed to be continuous and flowing with private programs arranged linearly along one side of the layout. while extremely compact in size, the glazed cube allows a visual expansion of the interiors, projectingthe living room on to the exterior. a small winding staircase leads up to a secondary washroom while the rest of the ceiling room has been left open to the space below.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY