*리버사이드 주택단지 [ CHYBIK+KRISTOF Associated Architects ] Danubia Park in Slovakia

내외부 관계를 맺는 방법에는 여러가지가 있다. 그중에서도
슬로베키아에 위치한 다뉴비아 파크내의 주택단지는 세미 프라빗 스페이스를
이용하여 내외부를 통섭시키는 방법을 취하고 있다.
모듈화된 4개의 유닛을 33개의 다양한 방법으로 조합함으로써
그 내부에 반외부공간인 아트리움을 형성시킨다.
이러한 조합은 주택단지내 개별호수에 각기 다른 아이텐티를 주면서
전체 단지가 (강과 숲속) 외부 환경과 관계를 맺는 것에
새로운 방향성을 제시하여 준다.
이와 같이 어반스트럭쳐와 자연의 교묘한 만남으로 형성된
마스터플랜은 인위적인 공간배치와는 사뭇다른
친자연적인 우리네 배치를 연상시킨다.
자연을 거스르지 않고 산과 물이 놓여진 상태로
집을 배치하고 길을 놓는 우리 전통의 배치는 그래서
우리몸에 알맞게 들어 맞아 편안하다.
지금은 멋부릴때가 아니고 가장 편안한 것을 찾아야 할때가
아닌가 싶다.

reviewed by SJ

Young Czech practice CHYBIK+KRISTOF Associated Architects has recently been named winner of the international architectural and urbanistic competition for 33 apartment buildings in the newly rebuilt site Danubia Park near Bratislava, the capital city of Slovakia. The project aims to create quality housing with direct access to the water and places a considerable part of the houses in the riparian forest in the riverbed of the Danube.

Project Description from the Architects:

We have designed for each object a group of four materials which create together a common atrium as well as a scenic jetty near the water. The resulting combination of two- or three-floored buildings makes ideal conditions for social life inside each villa house whilst at the same time it provides enough privacy in each apartment. We do not design an ensemble of anonymous apartments but a PLACE with a bountiful view on water surface and with sojourning areas in the semi-private space.

The villa house is projected as a structure of four units, perpendicular to one another. It reflects the scale of the area as well as the relation to the country of the riparian forest. Proportionally designed volumes enclose a semi-public atrium. The position of the individual boxes is projected in a way so that it ensures a direct view on the water surface from each apartment in the area.

The central space of the house, an out-door atrium, is a sort of urban garden, a “microworld” shared by several families. It also has the function of natural air-conditioning. Thanks to its natural humidity, it helps to improve the quality of the environment inside the apartments in summer months. The atrium is directly linked to the common jetty on the lake’s surface for first-hand contact of the inhabitants of the villa house with water.

Each apartment is provided with an out-door terrace with sufficient view on the surrounding country. In summer months, it is possible to fully open the glass walls of the apartments. The living room can thus seasonally become a spacious loggia.

from  bustler


Designed by JB FACTORY