1974년 이탈리아 쥬지아로가 디자인한 현대자동차 포니의 프로토타입 포니쿠페을
가지고 GM 출신 존드로이언이 탄생시켰다는 이야기도 있는 DCM-12.
그 유명한 자동차는 영화 백투터 퓨처에 사용되며
'키트'와 함께 우리의 마음속에 남아 있었다.
2012년 새롭게 리뉴얼 되는 타임머신 차량은
전기차 버전으로 두개의 배터리와 V6가솔린 엔진을 대체하는
전기모터로 디자인 된다.
아직 현재도 30년 전 그 모습 그대로 소량생산되는 DCM-12...
정말 갖고 싶다.
이거 이거 안사람한테 허락만 맡으면 당장이라도....
그냥 침만 흘릴뿐이다..
reviewed by SJ
at the annual international delorean owners event in houston texas, delorean motor company (DMC) presented
a prototype electric model of the iconic vehicle, called the DMCEV and planned for commercial production in 2013.
the company is collaborating with electric vehicle manufacturers epic EV to realize the project.
in the dolorean, a DC-type electric motor with front-weighted battery achieves 0-60mph (0-100km/hr) in 4.9 seconds,
with an alleged top speed of 125 mph (201 km/hr). DMC plans to offset the extra weight of the electric system
by manufacturing the vehicle's underbody with a lightweight resin-infused composite.
rumors estimate the price of the car at 90,000 to 100,000 USD.
a prototype electric model of the iconic vehicle, called the DMCEV and planned for commercial production in 2013.
the company is collaborating with electric vehicle manufacturers epic EV to realize the project.
in the dolorean, a DC-type electric motor with front-weighted battery achieves 0-60mph (0-100km/hr) in 4.9 seconds,
with an alleged top speed of 125 mph (201 km/hr). DMC plans to offset the extra weight of the electric system
by manufacturing the vehicle's underbody with a lightweight resin-infused composite.
rumors estimate the price of the car at 90,000 to 100,000 USD.
from designboom
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