*소통 그리고 설치물 [ olafur eliasson ] your body of work

인간은 자신이 보고 싶은 것만 본다.
자신이 듣고 싶은 것만 듣는다.
자신이 하고 싶은 것만 한다.
안개, 빛, 컬러, 그리고 그림자와 같은 자연적인 현상은 항상 진실한
모습으로 우리에게 투영된다.
하지만 우리는 각자 자신이 갖고 있는 주관이라는 눈으로 세상을 바라보며
해석하고 오해한다.
여기 작가는 그 오해를 자신의 시각으로 디자인된 설치물을 통하여 적나라하게 보여줌으로써
우리의 왜곡된 시각과 편견을 비꼽는다.
진정 당신은 얼마나 올바른 시각을 가지고 있는가?
누군가에게 당신의 생각을 팔 입만 가득하지,
누군가의 생각을 들어줄 귀는 없다.
당신이 보고 싶은 것을 보지 말고
상대방이 보고 싶은 것을 보자. 소통은 바로 거기에서 시작한다.

reviewed by SJ

the first south american presentation of his artistic practice, danish artist olafur eliasson's 'your body of work' offers its viewers experiences revolving around color perception and spatial orientation. in total, ten works located in three different areas of sao paulo, brazil (pinacoteca do estado, SESC belenzhinho and SESC pompeii) are on show as part of the 17th international festival of contemporary art SESC_ videobrasil.

eliasson is known for embodying the laws of physics, neurology and opitical illusions, inviting individuals to acquaint
themselves with natural phenomena such as fog, light, color and reflections. on this occasion, within the pinacoteca do estanda, eliasson has developed four major artistic installations: 'microscope to sao paulo'; 'take your time'; sphere of slow light'; and 'your shared planet'. the works are on show until january 29th, 2012.

'microscope to sao paulo' is a kaleidoscope of mirrors formed by four giant reclining sides, which fulfill the inner courtyard of the pinacoteca. mirrors open up toward the ceiling glass, absorbing all the light from outside, creating a kaleidoscopic effect with the structure of the roof. when visitors walk along the runway which intersects the installation and crosses the courtyard, they are given a complete view of the mirrored reflections.

'take your time' sits within the octagon, the pinacoteca's central space. a tilted mirror hanging from the ceiling
in the center rotates around its own axis reflecting everything that is in the space.

a sphere composed of a metal frame and reflective blade frames, 'sphere of slow light' redefines the space around it.

a set of colored filter glasses with mirrors turn the museums terrace into a spherical kaleidoscope in 'your shared planet'.with this work, the artist offers the visitor a different view of the city.

from  designboom


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