*키즈 까페 [ Nuca Studio ] Phill

아이들의 놀이터와 레스토랑이 결합된
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안돼는 장소가 되었을까요?
내부와 외부의 차이보다 무언가로부터 보호받는 공간이
아이들에게 필요한 지금 이와 같은 복합공간은 부모들과
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여기 필하우스는 어린이들을 위한 복합 문화공간으로
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개실 그리고 작은 카페가 계획되었으며, 상층부에는
레스토랑이 계획되었습니다.
특히 아이들이 좋아하는 캐릭터로 가득한 아기자기한 공간은
상상력과 행동발달에도 좋은 효과를 가지고 옵니다.
또한 중앙에 위치한 계단실옆의 코끼리 모델은 아이들의 복합문화공간의
아이콘과 같은 역활로 놀이공간의 큰 축을 형성합니다.
백색의 열린공간을 연결하는 컬러풀한 프레임은
아이들에게 공간에 대한 방향성을 지시해주며
부모 또한 아이들의 동선을 쉽게 관찰 할 수 있도록 도와주어
아이들의 안전에도 큰 도움이 됩니다.

이와 같은 대체 공간은 더더욱 많이 생겨 날 것이고
아이들이 뛰어 놀 골목길과 공터는 점점 사라질 것입니다.
이와 같은 현상이 점점 사실화 되면 우리가 어렸을때
누가 돈주고 물을 사먹냐라고 했던것처럼 아이들이
놀 수 있는 장소에 대한 곳도 돈주고 들어가야 하는 공간으로
바뀔지 모릅니다.

reviewed by SJ

Customers can leave their children playing downstairs and dine beside a four metre-high model elephant at this Bucharest restaurant.

Recently completed by Romanian designers Nuca Studio,

Phill houses its restaurant on the first floor, while a playground,

multi-function hall and café occupy the ground level below.

The elephant stands over the central staircase and appears to be listening

to music from a painted-on mp3 player and headphones.

Circular openings create colourfully framed views between rooms,
allowing parents to keep an eye on their children.

Phill – Playground & Restaurant in Bucharest by Nuca Studio

Phill is a meeting place designed for the entire family. It has a playground,

a multipurpose room and a small café at the ground floor and a restaurant at the second level.

The playground and the multipurpose room are enclosed areas with independent light

and acoustic scenarios and they accommodate activities from theater and puppet shows to

martial arts and ballet lessons.

In between them the small café communicates visually with the

playground through a couple of round openings.

Upstairs, the dining area is an open space directly linked with the lobby.

The functions of the program have their own agenda but at the same time they work

closely together therefore the connection of the individual spaces was very important.

In order to link these different rooms, the walls were perforated by transparent

openings and a special attention was paid to the stairs design which climb their way to

the second floor around a 4 meter tall elephant.

Attempting to be appealing to both children and adults the overall design draws its
inspiration from vinyl toy and Manga culture, looking to be
 engaging and to capture the imagination of all visitors.

The exact formal sense of the ceiling’s intricate geometry is open to

interpretation as some of the shapes resulted from a meticulous handling of

the complicated air duct system alongside the heavy concrete structure.

Project team: Robert Marin, Andrei Rotariu, Mihnea Vieru, Mircea Adrian Mihai

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY