*토쿄 베이비 카페 [ Nendo ] Tokyo Baby Cafe

파스텔 컬러의 은은한 분위기와 모던한 인테리어 디자인은
아기들과 부모들에게 편안하며 안락한 스페이스를 제공하여 준다.
도쿄 오모떼산도에 위치한 '도쿄 베이비 카페'는 어린아이들과
부담없이 휴식과 여가를 보낼 수 있는 상업공간이자 커뮤니티 공간이다.
아기들이 기어다니거나 뛰어 놀 수 있도록 디자인한 빅쇼파는
카페를 상징적으로 나타내는 아이콘과 같다.
빅쇼파의 아이콘과 전반적인 파스텔 톤의 컬러 매치로
귀여우면서도 모던함이 묻어 난다.
어쩌면 아기보다 어른들이 더 좋아하는 공간이 될듯 싶다.

reviewed by SJ

Japanese designers Nendo have completed the interior of a cafe for parents and
 their children in Aoyama, Tokyo, which features enormous, scaled up sofas.

Called Tokyo Baby Cafe, the space has windows of various sizes and

furniture scaled up to become a play area, or down to become changing mats.

The scale of the floorboards also changes across the room.

Images of animals are hidden from parents’ eyes on the underside of

the tables while shelves house books and toys.

Nendo designed a cafe for children and the parents called “tokyo baby cafe” in Aoyama, Tokyo

The design for a ‘parent and child cafe’ on Tokyo’s Omotesando,

for parents to enjoy being out with small children without worry about those around them.

The cafe is fully stocked with picture books and toys, and includes a playroom,

private rooms and separate spaces for nursing and changing diapers.

Wide aisles make it easy to move around with a stroller, and light switches

and door handles are placed high up to keep children from using them.

The cafe is designed to be enjoyed by two very different sizes of users ‘parents’ and

‘small children’, so the interior plays on this difference in scale.

They also see the world through different eyes.

Take a table: adults live their lives aware of tabletops,

and the things placed on top of them. But children see the table’s underside.

A table’s legs can look like pillars, and the reverse of the tabletop is like a roof.

The cafe’s ‘absolutely huge’ and ‘absolutely tiny’ furnishings take advantage of these two perspectives,

the adult’s and the child’s. A nursing sofa becomes a playroom when blown up on

a massive scale, and a diaper changing table when shrunk to minuscule proportions.

Big windows pair with small ones, and big lightbulbs with small ones.

The floorboards vary in size, and the undersides of tables,

where parents eyes don’t reach, hide pictures of parent and baby animals.

In fact, ‘parents and children’ can be found all around the cafe,
 ready for their parent and child visitors.


Designed by JB FACTORY