*호주 달링 플레이그라운드 파크 [ ASPECT Studios ] Darling Quarter

달링하버는 호주에서도 유명한 관광지 중 하나이다.
친환경요소를 이용한 플레이그라운드의 재구성은 이곳을 이용하는
거주민 또는 방문객들에게 놀이와 문화를 통한 커뮤티니 공간을 외부에
제공함으로써 달링하버의 한계점을 극복하는 복합 문화공간으로 형성시킨다.
그중에서도 물을 이용한 다양한 체험 및 놀이는 아이들의 상상력을 자극시키는 동시에
자연스럽게 놀이를 통하여 자연과 호흡하는 방법을 가르켜 준다. 물을 이용한 수문 게이트나 핸드펌프 그리고
아르키메데스의 물레방아 같은 놀이기구는 아이들이 친숙하게 놀이를 통하여 물에 대한 학습적 원리를 깨닫게
도와준다. 그리고 드라이 지역에 설치된 모래언덕, 플라이 폭스, 모래 구덩이를 통하여
아이들이 맘껏 뛰어 놀수 있는 활동적이며 자유로운 놀이영역을 제공한다.

이러한 플레이그라운드는 어린이 극장과 카페 그리고 레스토랑과도 연계되어
아이들 뿐만 아니라 어른들도 즐길 수 있는 복합문화공간으로 통합한다.
우리가 어렸을때 뛰어놀던 골목길은 더이상 놀이공간이 아니다.
성안에 만들어진 놀이터( 아파트 내 놀이터)는 모든 아이들의
위한 시설이 아니며, 그 또한 마음껏 뛰어 놀 수 있는 공간마저 부족하다.
당신이 어렸을때 마음껏 뛰어 놀았던것 만큼 우리 아이들에게도
뛰어 놀 수 있는 공간을 만들수는 없을까?
돈을 목적으로 하는 개발이 아닌
사람을 목적으로 하는 개선이 시급하다.

reviewed by SJ

ASPECT Studios has just completed a transformation of the public domain of Darling Harbour. This public domain project, commissioned by SHFA and Lend Lease now known as Darling Quarter, is a major place-making project for Sydney with a world class children’s playground as its centre piece. At over 4000m2 it is the largest in the Sydney CBD and with its innovative water play facilities will be a regional attraction.

Project: Darling Quarter
Location: Sydney, Australia
Design: ASPECT Studios
Client: Lend Lease
Photographers: Florian Groehn
Budget: AUS$12 million
Team: ASPECT Studios in collaboration with FMJT architects
Scope: Concept design, master plan
Area size: 28203 m2
Completion date: August 2011

Darling Harbour is one of Australia’s most visited tourist destinations. Darling Quarter builds a strong link to the city and reinforces the movement between the Entertainment Centre to Cockle Bay and beyond. The new project revitalises Darling Harbour by upgrading ground plane materials, lighting, furniture and planting, and setting a new benchmark for Darling Harbour with an emphasis on premium quality and highly sustainable initiatives. It provides a family focused core both for city dwellers, particularly those in neighbouring Pyrmont and Chinatown, and for tourists and visitors alike. It boasts an extensively redesigned playground, generous grassed community areas, a children’s theatre, a new café, restaurants and bars.

The Play Space

The play space component of the playground is the most unique element of the project. It creates an adventurous, innovative and highly interactive play experience suitable to the Australian climate. Members of the design team travelled widely to benchmark and research the best examples of play spaces and public domain around the world. The major water play elements were sourced from Germany, many of which have never been used before in Australia. The bespoke design of the water play environment includes an array of interactive water elements including ‘sluice gates’, ‘hand pumps’ and an ‘archimedes screw’ which draws water up and channels it back into a myriad of sculptural concrete streams. The stainless steel elements promote interaction and learning and reference the industrial history of Darling Harbour as a working site. In addition to the water play, there is a ‘dry’ playground space that features sand pits, a flying fox, giant climbing frames and huge family slides built for groups to use together. Facilities also include a purpose built café, toilets and shade canopies.


There is a strong focus on sustainability and place-making. Rainwater is harvested in a 300,000 litre tank and distributed throughout the public domain for irrigation and water features. Low energy lighting creates a vibrant night time precinct which has been designed as an inclusive, free, public space activated by the community day and night, seven days a week.

from  plusmood


Designed by JB FACTORY