*인터렉티브 메카닉 디자인 [ Yaohua Wang Architecture ] Nanjing Lab

외부환경과 인터렉티브 하는 건물, 공간은 어떨까?
그것도 즉각적으로 기능과 형태를 변화한다면 말이다.
식물은 외부자연환경-물,바람,태양 다양한 자극조건-에 굉장히
민감하게 반응하며 변화한다 그리고 성장한다.
여기에서 모티브를 얻은 난징랩은 도시환경의 다양한 조건들을
외부로 드러나 있는 촉수를 통하여 검수하고 반응하며
형태를 변화시킨다. 단순히 환경의 오염도를 측정하는 기계라고
생각 할 수도 있지만 그 기능적 이유가 주는 형태는 난징랩을
친환경디자인 첨두에 세워 놓는다.

아이디어도 좋지만 어렸을때 부터 건담을 좋아하는 디자이너라면
사랑할 수 밖에 없는 메카닉디자인이 더 눈길을 끈다.

reviewed by SJ

Nanjing Lab is a vegetation laboratory located in the historical district of Nanjing. Different from the traditional vegetation lab, which focuses on the attributes of the plants themselves, the purpose of the Nanjing lab is to test the plants’ behavior inside Nanjing city, for instance, the plants’ reaction to the the city’s polluted air and dust. 

Therefore, the design focuses on being able to control the plant’s interaction with the outside. In order to do this, different plant species are put into separate containers which protrude from the main volume of the building to the outside environment. The containers provide the ability to let sun light come through and control the amount of air that passes through. At the same time, the form of the landscape around the building creates different levels humidity and solar conditions around the building, allowing the containers to interact with a diverse environment.

Architect: Yaohua Wang Architecture
Location: Nanjing, China
Structural Engineer: Organization Group
Client: Nanjing Xiaguan district goverment
Program: Vegetation lab
Size: 200 m²
Note: Project under schematic design phase

In the center of the lab, there is a central robot arm that is able to take out the core of the container and place them into storage for further research. The control room of the robot's arm is located on the south side of the building.  The windows of the control room allow free view of the central robot room and the exterior.   

The two big C channel steel beams are the main structure of the Nanjing lab. They lift the main body of the lab off of the ground to provide space for the underside plant containers. In between the C channel steel beams and the body of lab space is the hydraulic mechanical system that absorbs the impact of the structure from movement of the central robot arm.

from  bustler


Designed by JB FACTORY