*암스테르담 레드 불 헤드쿼터 [ Sid Lee Architecture ] Red Bull New Amsterdam HQ

공간은 저마다 나타내고자하는 얼굴이 있다.
그 얼굴은 때로는 기업의 문화가 되고 리테일샵의 판매에 지대한 영향을
미치는 디스플레이 스페이스가 되기도 한다.

에너지 드링크 레드불사의 암스테르담 헤드쿼터는 기업의 핵심가치를
공간에 투영하여 에너지와 액티비티의 관계성을 각기 다른
볼륨으로 그려낸다.
추론과 직감, 아트와 산업, 어두움과 밝음, 천사의 마음과
악마의 분노 이와같은 극적인 대비는 공간을 이루는 주요한 장치적 기법으로 사용되며
공간을 형성화한다. 이러한 아이러니한 공간에서 발생하는 마찰계수는
공간의 접점에서 에너지를 발생시키며 공간을 폴딩하며 볼륨을 구획한다.
에너지볼륨으로 구획된 블랙스페이스는 화이트 스페이스와 간극을
이루며 공간에 집중력을 높인다. 여기에 공백을 메우는 보이드스페이스는
공간의 볼륨이 끝이지 않고 연속되도록 도와주며 대비의 발란스를 맞춘다.
공간을 만들어 내는 것은 사람의 몫이지만 공간을 영유하고
공간을 구성하는 것은 공간의 내용과 보이지 않는 에너지가 아닐까 싶다.

reviewed by SJ

The energy drink Red Bull recently commissioned Sid Lee Architecture to create the company’s new Red Bull Amsterdam headquarters. Chosen over two other firms, Sid Lee Architecture was called upon on to build on the Red Bull DNA and established philosophies through the architectural design at the newly relocated headquarters in a district on the North side of Amsterdam’s port area, an area reminiscent of artistic street culture and extreme sports. The actual building premises are a former heritage shipbuilding factory, facing a timeless crane and an old disused Russian submarine.

In order to design the 875 square metre space, the architects’ notion and core concept was to call upon elements such as Red Bull’s philosophy, core values, target market as well as the company’s entire DNA and incorporate it into the design and the program of the new headquarters. The program itself asked for the organization of the headquarters’ spaces according to the juxtaposition of their use and spirit, “to suggest the idea of the two opposed and complementary hemispheres of the human mind, reason versus intuition, arts versus the industry, dark versus light, the rise of the angel versus the mention of the beast”, says Jean Pelland, lead design Architect and Senior Partner at Sid Lee Architecture. What we especially like in this former shipbuilding factory is the fact that the architects focused on articulating the dichotomy of the space as they shift from communal to more private spaces and so forth, and from black to white and white to black. However, the most creditworthy aspect is of course the fact that the project is so open spirited and less comme il faut as the protocol would suggest, where an open sense of spirit embraces a very creative design approach. For instance, the WC is titled “The Holy shit” where the Virgin Mary is depicted wearing a headset, spinning the decks as she DJ’s alongside flying Red Bull angels and pop culture action sports. 

Additionally, the program includes spaces such as “The Crash Room” which as the name suggests provides a space for employees to crash and relax, “The Stratos,” “The Quiet Room,” and many more spaces which make it an ideal environment for encouraging creativity, relaxation, and concentration. The goal in this attempt to transform the former shipbuilding factory coalesce the almost brutal simplicity of the industrial building with Red Bull’s mystical invitation to perform. This approach regarding the interior architecture with the various layers of importance and meanings conveys a juxtaposed, dual personality where pop culture action sports images, forms and designs conveying mountain cliffs, and skateboard ramps stand alongside to the accounting office! The black oxides steel triangle shaped heaps have dual meanings as they combine elements of a ship’s body and are reminiscent of action sport ramps. They build up half-opened spaces that can be viewed as niches when seen from below, or as bridges and mezzanines spanning across the space when seen from above.

Honest and humble industrial materials such as steel, plywood, glass and cement are all applied in the architecture which has been composed in the interior of this former industrial space; nothing is clearly set; everything is a matter of perception. The result in this restored and redesigned former shipbuilding factory is a carefully struck balance of structure, simplicity, elegance and fascination all against an industrial backdrop.

from  yatzer


Designed by JB FACTORY