*잉글랜드 비비씨 오피스 랜드스케이핑 [ ID:SR ] BBC North

우리에게 사무실은 제2의 집이다.
때로는 집보다 더 많은 시간을 보내기도 하고
다양한 사람들을 만나고, 먹고, 즐기고,...etc
잉글랜드의 bbc 오피스는 그런점에서 오피스가 업무 이외에 다양한 것을 줄 수 있다는 것을 알려주는
재미있는 프로젝트이다.
단순히 사무를 보는 공간이 아닌 커뮤니티와 다양한 활동으로 오피스를 재구성한다.
그것들을 실현시키는 매개체의 시작은 커뮤니티를 이루는 '미팅 포트'에서 시작한다.
'미팅 포트'는 오피스 중앙에 위치한 아트리움에 면하도록 설치되어 다양한 디자인과 색감으로
공간에 활력을 불어 넣는 동시에 실질적으로 고객들과의 미팅, 회의, 직원들 간의 수다 등의
커뮤니티 활동을 지원하며 심플한 업무 또한 진행 할 수 있도록 고안되었다.

이것은 천편일률적인 책상배치가 아닌 공간의 템퍼러리, 모바일화를 의미한다.
시대는 더이상 공간의 고착화를 관망하지 않는다. 실시간으로 변화하는 패러다임은
업무 중심이 아닌 사람들의 행동 중심에 맞춘 공간 설계를 필요로 한다.
그러기 위해서는 다양한 패턴들을 담을 수 있도록 플렉서블 해야하는 동시에
공간이 멍해지는-우리는 플렉서블한 공간을 만들기 위해 오히려 개성이 없는 백색의 무지공간을 계획한다.
하지만 이것은
공간을 방치하는 소극적인 디자인이다.- 방지하기 위하여 강한 아이텐티를 부여해야 한다.
어쩌면 동전의 양면과 같이 존립 할 수 없는 문제이지만
디자이너 '아이디 에스알'은 독창적인 패턴컬러풀하며 통일감 있는 색체계획으로
이 모든 것을 통섭 시킨다.

업무 성격에 따라 오피스의 성격 또한 규정 지어지는 것이 지금의 현실이다.
하지만 곧 이와같은 경계는 빠르게 무너질 것이며 점점 모바일화, 개인화 될 것이다.
여기서 유념해야 점은 이와 같은 플렉서블에 대응하기 위해 무채색의 공간을 만드는 것이
얼마나 멍청한 일인가를 알고 있어야 하는 것이다. 플렉서블한 공간을 만들기 위해
공간을 모호하게 흰색에 아무것도 없는 무지 공간을 만드는 것이 아니라
다양한 프로그램과 활동을 담을 수 있도록 아이텐티한 그릇을 만들어야 한다.
굳이 그 그릇에 제목은 없더라도 비빔밥을 비벼 놓을 수 있으면 되고,
야채를 담을 수 있으면 되고, 샐러드를 담을 수 있으면 된다.

reviewed by SJ

BBC North is one of the most ambitious projects in the BBC’s history. Opening a new creative hub in the North of England was motivated not only by a commitment to spend the licence fee more fairly across the UK but also to get closer to audiences across the region.

Architects: ID:SR 
Location: , England
Project Manager: Capita Symonds
Quantity Surveyor: Cyril Sweett
M&E and Structural Engineer: AECOM
Main Contractor : Overbury
Client: BBC
Completion: 2011
Area: 31,500 sqm
Photographs: Will Pryce and Gareth Gardner

More choice, less space
Taking the lead from the vibrancy of shared spaces and amenities found in cities, BBC North has been designed to capture this vibrancy, offering more choice in less space. Amenity-centric rather than desk-centric, the workplace supports agile working across a variety of desirable work settings tailored to a range of activities, whether holding a team meeting, making a phone call, editing content, having an informal catch up, tweeting or blogging. It even doubles as a studio space, providing the backdrop to a variety of broadcasts.

The ‘meeting pods’ that line the atrium of one of the three buildings at MediaCityUK in Salford have created an iconic image for BBC North. Transforming dead space at the edge of atrium, too narrow for desks or rooms, these visually striking pods, referencing digital pixels in form and colour, have created both focus spaces and intimate collaboration opportunities within the most public of places, connecting all to a marvellous view with the open atrium. These are spaces designed for people which also meet ’s brief from the BBC: to provoke a smile!

Activity-Driven Design
Applying their activity-driven design approach, ID:SR worked with the BBC to create a design solution that would allow them to work more effectively and creatively in less, more efficient space. They launched an intensive and energised programme of user engagement. Over a period of seven months the process included interviews, feedback sessions and people profiling in addition to building workshops, show and tell and look and feel sessions.

Coupled with the findings from the workshops, benchmarking, research and empirical analysis of the BBC’s current space and work patterns informed the vision for the new BBC North workplace.

Kit of Parts
As the BBC was leasing its new buildings from a developer, the fit-out needed to be sculpted between the Cat A. ID:SR’s solution was a flexible ‘kit of parts’, a series of related joinery items which would sit within the base build structure creating a variety of semi-enclosed spaces. Minimal impact to the sub structure of the buildings meant that this approach was not only flexible and cost-effective, but also offered a sustainable and future-proof solution. Designed with ‘velcro and wheels’ flexibility these spaces are easy to reconfigure, allowing people to ebb and flow and also allowing work patterns to evolve alongside advances in digital technologies.

Currently (December 2011), the BBC is just over half way through a 36-week migration. By April 2012, 2,300 people will work for the BBC at MediaCityUK with an additional 1,000 posts scheduled to join them on site by the end of 2017 – an increase which will be effected without alteration to ID:SR’s original design.

Colour and materials
ID:SR set out to design BBC North’s new workplace as a vibrant city with the variety and texture to suit. Each of the three buildings has a slightly different look and feel with the basic type of form, material and finish the same.
ID:SR was inspired by both the digital colour palette and the natural colours and texture found in British-sourced fabrics. Test card colours including magenta, lime green, purple and black and white, run throughout the design scheme, balanced and modulated by summer and autumnal colours such as the heather, purple and fresh green colours woven through the traditional Melin Tregywnt spotty fabric.

Carpet was key to the design, conceived as a ‘digital tapestry’ that not only expresses the digital age but also helps to define areas and assists with wayfinding within the open plan working environments. Coloured lighting also assists in wayfinding, identifying shared amenities across the floors.

From the outset of the project, the BBC was committed to supporting local manufacturing and local products. With up to 73% of products and materials manufactured in the UK, BBC North has benefited from a wide range of local talent and skill.
“It was just a case of wow, just wow […] it makes you want to be part of something big, something new, something exciting”, Helen Skelton, Blue Peter presenter, on BBC North at MediaCityUK.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY