*플라잉 큐빅 설치물 [ Heather and Ivan Morison ] Little Shining Man

마술인가? 눈을 속이는 시각적 장치가 숨겨져 있는 것일까?
공중을 부유하는 큐빅은 호기심 반 의구심 반이 든다.

 사실 여기에는 커다란 진실이 숨겨져 있다.-진실이라고 할 것도 없지만...-
카본파이어 로드와 요트 돛에 사용되는 나일론으로 제작된
2만3천개의 유닛이 만들어 내는 큐빅은 바람을 이용하여 하늘을 날 수 있도록 설계된 설치물인 것이다.

알렉산더 그레이엄 벨의 테트라 키트를 기반으로 디자인되어
이중날개구조를 모듈화 작업을 통하여 중복 및 정렬함으로써
지금과 같이 보이는 세포구조의 메카니즘을 완성한다.
나의 눈을 속인 것처럼 얼핏 보기에는 상당히 중량감 있는 구체로 보이지만
내부에는 탄성력이 좋으며 가벼운 파이버글라스와 나일론이
섬유구조로 자유로운 비행이 가능하도록 설계된 것이 특징이다.

여기에 큐빅의 비쥬얼적인 강한 임펙트는 수만개의 모듈이 빛을 산란시키며 만들어내는
깊은 공간감과 반사의 효과로써 다양한 스펙트럼을 뿜어낸다.
지금 우리 디자인에서 설치물에 대한 경계는 점점 모호해지면 경계라인 마저
허물어 지고 있다. 이번 프로젝트와 같이 대지로 부터 벗어난 디자인은
그 공간적 한계를 벗어남으로써 자유로움과 확장성을 지니게 된다.
디자인의 경계가 없어지면 당신이 상상하는 모든 것이 이루어 질 것이다.
현실이라는 수단에 무릎 꿇지 않을 경우에만...

reviewed by SJ

 This deceptively hefty-looking cube is actually designed to fly like a kite.

Made from over 23,000 individual components, the Little Shining Man kite comprises

carbon-fibre rods, a hand-made composite fabric normally used for yacht sails and specially designed,

rapid-prototyped nylon connectors.

Three of the structures will hang in the atrium of a development by client Dandara in Jersey and

be taken down once a year to fly in the local bay.

Artists Heather and Ivan Morison created the sculptures in collaboration with London

architectural designer Sash Reading and Birmingham fabrication design studio Queen and Crawford.

Heather and Ivan Morison are best known for pavilions and outdoor installations, including

the Black Cloud shelter made of scorched timber that we featured in 2009.

The design of the structure is based around the tetra kites of Alexander Graham Bell. A double wing module has been duplicated and arranged into a tight cellular structural arrangement that appears as a heavy, un-flyable cubic mass. Utilising lightweight materials and the symmetry of the module and composition, it is able to fly freely and steadily.

The kite flown in the images is one section of an arrangement of three, that come together to create the final piece. It will be hung as an installation for Dandara’s new Castle Quay development in St. Helier, Jersey, where it will be permanently displayed in the atrium as a piece of sculpture – a sculpture that is intended to fly. Once a year it will be taken down from its spot in the building and flown in St. Aubin’s Bay.

There were several challenges in realising Little Shining Man. The structure had to be as strong and light as possible in order to fly, but had to return to earth with minimal damage so it could be installed as a piece of sculpture. Carbon fibre rod and Cuben fibre – a hand made composite fabric used primarily in Racing Yacht Sails, achieved the perfect combination of strength and weight. The visual impact of the fabric produces an etherial sense of depth and refraction that gives the heavy mass the lightest touch.

Queen & Crawford designed a joint system, the CKJ_01, a universal Nylon joint that would handle every connection in the composition. We work closely with 3TRPD in Newbury who are at the cutting edge of the Rapid Prototyping Industry. Printing the joints allows us to quickly design, produce, test and refine in a short time frame. The material is light and strong, perfect for this application.

More than 23,000 individual components make up the complete structure. Entirely assembled by hand, from design through to delivery more than 16 months of work.

Conceived: Ivan Morison
Design/technical consultation: Sash Reading
Component design, structure detail design, fabrication: Queen + Crawford
Design documentation + visualization: Emily Thurlow
Fitting manufacture: 3TRPD

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY