*운하와 연계되는 센트롤 호수 도시 [ BudCud ] Central Lake

4대강 물어보자. 당신의 정체는 무엇인가?
네덜란드 레이우아르덴 지역에 새롭게 조성되는 운하와 연계되는 수변도시
프로젝트는 단순히 운하로써의 개발이 아닌 균형있는 지역개발에서
우리에게 시사하는 바가 크다.
단순히 물류의 운반으로써만의 운하가 아닌 물길을 직접적인
도시공간구조로 이용 및 개발 함으로써 새로운 수변문화공간을 창출한다.

운하를 따라 리니어하게 형성되는 도시구조는 천편일률적인
무지향 도시얼굴에서 벗어나기 위해 첫번째로 자연을 도입한다.
운하와 새롭게 조성되는 호수 사이에 위치한 리니어한 대지에
운하를 면하는 방향으로 자연공간을 위치시켜 호수를 기점으로 펼쳐지는
도시환경의 버퍼존 역활을 수행한다. 이렇게 형성된 자연공간은
개별주거단지를 보호하는 동시에 각각의 개별정원으로도 활용된다.
그리고 호수의 건너편 블록은 맨하튼과 같이 함축적인 도시공간구조
조직화하여 삽입한다. 호수와 도로로 인하여 대지의 운신의 폭이 좁기는 하지만
주거 및 다양한 생활프로그램을 함축적으로 프로그래밍 함으로써
리드믹컬한 도시공간구조를 만들어 낸다.
이렇게 형성된 중앙호수도시는 거대한 도시블록으로 재편성된다.

-또다른 이야기-
우리나라의 4대강과 많은 비교가 된다. 운하의 목적이 경제적
논리에 의한 물류에 대부분이 치중 된다고 하지만 궁극적인 목적에 있어서는
균형있는 국토개발의 의미를 포함하고 있어야 한다.
이와같은 의미를 다시한번 되집어 본다면 운하로 생성되는 물길이 공간을 구획하고
제한하는 방해의 요소로 저하되어서는 안된다는 의미를 이야기한다.
득보다는 실이 많은 불균형적인 국토개발을 초래할 가망성이 많다는 이야기 이다.
자 당신의 생각은 어떠한가? 지금도 공공연하게 이야기 되고
상반된 입장의 말들이 오고가고 있는 시점에서 이제라도 당신은
결정을 해야 한다. 옳다 그르다라는 이분법적인 논리, 해야 한다. 하지 말아야 한다라는
생각은 지금에서는 하면 안된다. 이미 우리는 되돌이기에는 너무나 많이 와 있다.
정말 냉정하게 생각하자. 보다 발전적인 방향이 무엇이 있을지.
어쩌면 '센트럴 레이크' 프로젝트가 당신에게 힌트를 줄 수 있을지도 모르겠다.

reviewed by SJ

Polish practice BudCud has sent us their EUROPAN 11 entry 'Central Lake' for the Kanaalzone site in Leeuwarden, Netherlands which won the team an Honorable Mention. For the EUROPAN Leeuwarden challenge, participants were confronted with questions that asked for a solution on all levels: landscape, urban and architectural.
On the beginning, Leeuwarden village was located by an inlet that in fact was a lake. The big water determined the city sprawl. Then the lake was changed into grid of canals, and fields. The city extended parallel into dense grid of streets and canals. City block became the mane typology. Later on it sprawl towards the former so called Middelzee and the city spirit was lost.

Year: 2011
Area: 490000 M2

With our strategy, we want to revive the primal nature of the site. Adjusting canal grid once again, by a simple gesture of squeezing it into a bigger volume, the statement is made. The new lake is created, so that outstanding features describe Leeuwarden. Again. the site is an ideal place for water lovers, for whose affection the big lake is more appropriate than practical, but characterless narrow irrigation canals. The site character now is distinctive. It is similar to a big city block. It is as natural as a region of Fryslan should be, directed into the phenomena of something between urban and rural lifestyle. Absolutely honest in its return to nature and celebration of a common space, yet with a respect to private. It is environmentally conscious, but in a modern way, with its contemporary approach.

Housing is organized around the lake, what guarantees spectacular views and contact with nature.There are 304 sites from witch 300 host single family housing typologies: free standing houses, semidetached and detached housing, with height ranging from one floor bungalows to 3 story houses. 4 sites are taken by apartment blocks, with total number of 100 units. In this scenario we are opting for 400 apartments in total. Site width vary between 6 and 10 m, and its depth can be from 20 to 80 meters, what gives a total area from 150 sqm to 485 sqm per site. Which is enough efficient and cheap to buy. Housing units are put in sets as mediators to create subdivisions of the whole area. That arrangement also allows wide angled, spacious perspectives full of green and water from the inside of the site, giving the illusion of uninhabited, virgin land for those who live there. From outside it seems like a dense part of a city. Giving us the dream come true. The site arrangement behaves like a magnetic field, with an intense social performance zone in the center.

The urban strategy assumption is similar to the one of Central Park, New York, USA - that green area became city orientation surface, it's relief and activity zone. Just like Manhattan blocks, Leeuwarden sites are arranged around the lake, perpendicularly to the closest waterline, forming compact stripped masterplan. Long, narrow sites allow to locate units in few different condition. It can be closer to the road, leaving the great area for 'a secret garden' and a long perspective to the lake. A house can be located in the middle of the site, retreating itself from the road, indulged in a garden. On the back part of the site a private water platform can be located, used according to the need- as a fishing spot, boat platform or a sundeck. Water lovers can have their house on the verge of the lake, overlooking their boat moored nearby or even under the first floor.

The rest of the site is wild, suggesting the natural culmination of the path. The set of sites, where the buildings are moved from the road, forms a panorama of a park. That strategy saves the community funds reserved for public spaces, because the park is maintained by private owners, but used by the whole community. The dimensions of the site give one more urban strategy- a possibility of subdivision depending on the real estate market situation. Site sizes are elastic. It means the total footprint could be more intense without losing the spontaneous character of the site.

from  bustler


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