*스파 빌리지 [ Archvision Studio ] Balneary Centre in Persani Village, Brasov

시골의 작은 휴양도시 브라쇼뷰 지방의 퍼르살린 빌리지는 300 여년전 부터
많은 사람들의 여름휴양지로 각광받는 장소이다.
특히 소금온천과 머드팩은 몸을 치료하는 일정성분의 약효가 있어
휴양과 요양, 그리고 심신의 피로를 푸는 안식처로 사람들이 많이 찾고 있다.
여기에 솔티 베스-스파를 통한 치유시설-를 중심으로 마을을 균형있게 발전시키는 프로그램을 제안한다.
-사회,문화,경제가 균형있는 발전을 통하여 지역발전에 이바지 한다.-
경사 지형을 따라 자연스럽게 형성된 대지를 품은 건물의 볼륨은
내부 중정에 옥외 스파시설을 지형 레벨에 따라 설치함하여
스파를 찾는 이용자들의 프라이버시를 보호한다.
인클로즈한 볼륨의 형태는 안으로는 이용자들의 사적보호와
외부로는 인근주변의 문화를 연결하는 커넥포인트 역활을 수행함으로써
지역문화와 경제의 구심점 역활을 한다.

reviewed by SJ

The project location, Salty Baths in Persani Village, Brasov County, has an extremely high importance for local residents. Few know that this place brings togheter a generous number of people in the summer time, some come for treatment from far away (treatments with salt waters and mud) and other only for relaxation. The History of this place is over three hundred years old .
The project idea started from the desire of developing a large scale project in this rural area, offering the possibility of wider development of the whole teritory from many ways: socially, economically, culturally.

Starting with the statement that countryside gives viewers a feeling of relaxation, freedom, health and continuing with the existence of these curative water springs from the site, it may justify the choise made for this kind of project. Development of existing function into a larger project would lead to improved services, proper exploitation of natural resuorces to high standards, creating job facilities and functional areas for the benefit of the entire community (shops, recreation area, cultural area). This kind of intervention would create also the possibility of developing rural tourism.

The volumetric concept started from the idea of enclosure, specific for the Transilvanian architecture. The interior courtyard, where the curative water springs are situated, gives this area some privacy, separated from the stret noise, but also visible from certain angles. The idea is emphasized by the arrangement inside the inner court of the fall of land levels.

Taking into account that rural areas are closer to nature more than any other places, the choise of the site in this area guided us to merge with nature, by combining natural elements, forms and materials with the construction itself, but also by continuing the green natural element on the roofs. Using natural materials found in the neighborhood of the site, is creating stong links between the subject building and site.

Proposed functions are addressed to those who wish to accomodate here and enjoy the spa treatments, but also for those who come just for leisure. There is also an area with separate acces, addressed to the inhabitants of the villages near by, just to take the first step in the development and revitalization project (the lack of commercial and cultural faccilities near by). The proposed functions are independent of each other, but still connected by some common areas. Exterior spaces are in close contact with the interior by the presence of glass italics with direct acces to courtyard.

from  archello


Designed by JB FACTORY