*헥사곤 스타디움 파크 [ stadiumconcept ] New Bursa Stadium (Hexagon Park)

공원을 덮고 있는 헥사곤 스트럭쳐의 군락은
경기장은 물론 나무를 대체하는 외부환경의 필터링 역활로 활용된다.
도심 내부에 위치한 도시공원과 결부된 스타디움은 스포츠 관람과
도심지 내부의 커뮤니티 장소로써 카페, 레스토랑 등의 생활공간을 담고 있다.
이와같은 공간의 연출은 헥사곤-육각형-을 이용하여 공간을 연속적으로
풀어나간다. 주민들에게 개방적이며 친근한 공간은 주변의 휴양 숙박시설과도 연계되며
관광객들의 주요한 코스로도 자리 잡을 것이다.
이슬람 전통 도해법에서 파생된 육각형의 시작은 이곳-터키-이 가지고 있는
시간과 역사에 대한 존중에서 부터 나온다.

공원 전체를 덮고 있는 헥사곤 스트럭쳐 시스템이 경기장은 물론 커뮤티니 시설들 그리고
아웃도어 스페이스를 통합하는 커다란 구심점으로 작용한다.

reviewed by SJ

Stadia experts stadiumconcept shared with us their New Stadium, designed for the Turkey Bid UEFA Euro 2016. More images and architect’s description after the break.

The New Bursa Stadium architecture was designed for the TURKEY BID UEFA EURO 2016. The stadium concept was prepared by the expert planning team of – professionally supported by the structural engineers of schlaich bergermann and partners

Architects: stadiumconcept
Location: Bursa City, Turkey
Principal & Designer: Peter Knoebel
Collaborators: Dawid Waloszek
Structural engineer: sbp, schlaich bergermann and partners
Project Management: arenaCom
Client: Turkish Football Federation
Project area: 65,000 sqm
Capacity: 33,000 seats
Project year: 2010
Visualizations: Alexander Schmitz

The so called ‘Hexagon Park’ Bursa for the European UEFA Championship 2016 was planned as an integral part of the traditional Culture Park in the heart of Bursa. The new pitch is located almost at the same spot as the current venue with sufficient space around for easy and safe circulation.

Due to the existing site, the lower tier of the stadium is imbedded into the topographic slope – the visible height of the stadium is reduced according to the park trees around.
The 33.000-seater and its concourses with its cafes and restaurants are fully covered by a roof structure of hexagons, which generates a smooth athmosphere of filtered daylight.

Created as a ‘Living Stadium’ an open and friendly character of the stadium building structures are combined with an all-day use of recreation accommodations around.

The hexagonal roof design is derived from arabesques of islamic iconography – hexagonal mosaics can be found also in the green mosque in Bursa. The transformation into a significant architectural structure is the basic idea for the Hexagon Park Stadium as well as the seamless transition from the stadium roof into the tree covered park area makes the stadium naturally situated.

The Hexagon Park Bursa represents not only a stadium – it is an unique icon of the Bursa region which performs at the same time an atmospheric meeting point for all citizens.

The UEFA requirements-accordant VIP-, sponsor hospitality- and media areas are situated vis á vis to the Culture park under the west tier. A multifunctional use for concerts and social events is designated as well as the multiple use of restaurants, cafes and kiosks around.

The compact design of the main stand building, the shadowed areas (reducing air condition and ventilation power) combined with natural daylighting by semi-translucent roof cover, the use of grey water (means ~50% reduction of potable water consumption), permanent local gas cogeneration (usually 30 % more energy efficiency than the general power grid) and roof integrated solar panels not only reduce the fossile energy consumption of the stadium but also it gives the chance to supply the city with left-over power.

According to the building sustainability long-life recycable materials with minimized production energy input (such as steel, glass, wood) are applied for construction, facades and interieurs.

The stadium and the surrounding park are well connected with the public transport system by metro, tram and bus stations aside. The city centre is just a minutes-walk away.

The New Bursa Stadium architecture marks a sustainable development of a city sports venue – with its all-day use it is a trend-setting and social life integrating concept of a stadium inside an urban conglomeration.

Unfortunately the UEFA EURO 2016 takes place in France.

from  archdaily


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