*카플리스키의 유작, 엔조 페라리 뮤지엄 [ future systems ] enzo ferrari museum, modena, italy

퓨처시스템의 창시자 카플리스키가 남기고간 건축적 유산
페라리를 담습니다.
전설의 엔조 페라리 뮤지엄은 1980년대에 지어진 기존 하우스와 워크샵과
건축적 맥락을 같이 하며 19세기 초 모토레이스의 시작과 부흥 그리고
현재의 모습을 전시하는 쇼룸으로 구성됩니다.
-기존 건축물은 내부에 하우스과 워크샵을 새롭게 구성하였으며,
내진설계를 위하여 추가적으로 설치된 두개의 브레이싱 구조를 제외하고는
어떠한 변경도 이루어지지 않았습니다.-
이제는 고인이 된 카플리스키의 오리지널 디자인을 잇는 새로운 뮤지엄은
12도 각도로 이어진 투명한 글래스가 인상적인 모습을 보여줍니다.
내부의 메인 갤러리는 2개층을 오픈한 워크샵이 위치하며 다양한 페라리 차종을
유기적인 공간의 흐름 속에 배치하고 있습니다. 한켠에 마련된 디스플레이 구역에는
멀티미디어와 더불어 다양한 소책자를 마련하여 페라라의 다양한 정보를
방문자들이 편하게 열람하도록 구성하고 있습니다.

페라리를 만난다는 설레임도 있지만 카플리스키의 공간을 만난다는
설레임이 더 큰 공간입니다.

reviewed by SJ

in 2004 future systems won an international competition to design a new museum in modena, italy. dedicated to motor racing legend and entrepreneur enzo ferrari (1898 – 1988), the museum comprises exhibition spaces within the early nineteenth century house where the motor racing giant was born and raised, and its adjoining workshop, as well as a separate, newly constructed exhibition building.

following the death of jan kaplicky in 2009, the office of future systems was dissolved. andrea morgante, former associate director of future systems and now director of shiro studio, was appointed to oversee the museum's completion.

the new building has been constructed according to kaplický's original design. it is sensitive to the existing historical context, combining the latest in construction and energy saving technology, while resonating in visual language and materials with the cars it is intended to showcase. the fully restored house and workshop provide additional exhibition space designed by morgante.

kaplický wanted to create a dialogue between the two exhibition buildings that showed consideration for ferrari’s early home and underscored the importance of the museum as a unified complex made up of several elements.

the sculpted yellow aluminium roof with its ten incisions, intentionally analogous to those air intake vents on the bonnet of a car, allows for natural ventilation and day lighting, while taking into consideration the aesthetic values of car design. with its 3,300 square metres of double-curved aluminium, the roof is the first application of the material where it is applied in such a large scale. together with boat builders whose familiarity with organic sculpted forms and waterproofing made them the ideal partner, and cladding specialists, the form is constructed from aluminium sheets fitted together using a patented tongue and groove system. the bright modena yellow of the roof is ferrari’s corporate colour, as seen on the company's insignia where it forms the backdrop to the prancing horse. it is also the official colour of modena.

visitors entering the new building have uninterrupted views into the entire exhibition space: a large, open, white room, where the walls and floor transition lightly into one another and are perceived as a single surface. a stretched semi-transparent membrane spreads light evenly across the roof, recalling the language of a car interior. a bookshop and café are situated to one side of the entrance and facilities to the other, each painted the same modena yellow as the. a gently sloping ramp gradually leads the visitor around the building from the ground floor to the basement level,
with display stands designed by morgante found along the circulation path. up to twenty-one cars can be displayed in this open space at any one time.

the glass façade is curved in plan and tilts at an angle of 12.5 degrees. each pane is supported by pre-tensioned steel cables and is able to withstand 40 tonnes of pressure. the technical specification of these panes and cables means that greater transparency in the façade is achieved with maximum functionality. in the summer months a thermo-sensor activates the windows in the façade and roof allowing cool air to circulate. with 50% of the internal volume of the main exhibition building set below ground level, geothermal energy is used to heat and cool the building making this the first museum building in italy to use geothermal energy. the building also employs photovoltaic technology and water recycling systems. the height of the new exhibition building reaches a maximum of 12 metres, the same height as the house.

이층의 하우스와 워크샵은 페라리 아버지가 1830년대 완공하였던 것이고

the two-storey house and workshop built by ferrari’s father in the 1830s has been completely refurbished. later additions to the house and workshop have been removed and, with the exception of two internal bracing structures that have been inserted in accordance with italian anti-seismic regulations to give structural rigidity, no alterations have been made.

the main gallery space is located within what was the double height workshop. here morgante has designed a contemporary exhibition display system, which incorporates digital projections, objects owned by ferrari, information panels and other material. the display system was conceived as a large-scale vertical book that allows the visitor to read the different chapters of ferrari’s life through various media; a three-dimensional immersive biography. the system takes the form of a sinuous wall separated into pages, so that as visitors progress down the room, they are able to gradually discover each page and chapter in sequence. this organic landscape stretches through the entire length of the 40 metre long space and soft, low-level backlighting gently illuminates both it and the room.

house floor plan / level 0
1 - main entrance / 2 - exhibition space / 3 - exhibition room / 4 - exhibition room / 5 - meeting room / 6 - office

gallery floor plan / level 0
1 - cafeteria / 2 - ticket desk / 3 - kitchen / 4 - bookshop / 5 - washrooms / 6 - exhibition area

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY