*플레이 퍼니쳐 [ h2o architectes ] Kids' Room Renovation

여섯살 꼬마 에바에게 새로운 놀이터가 생겼습니다.

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에바의 모든 놀이와 생활이 가능하도록 디자인 되었습니다.

상부에 설치된 데크는 에바가 장난감과 인형과 놀 수 있는 공간을 제공하며

측면에 설치된 책장과 수납공간은 측면에 설치된 계단과

연계됩니다. 또한 저층부에 설치된 책상은 자연스럽게 놀이와 결부된

교육이 가능하도록 설계되어 아이의 지적호기심을 채워주고 있습니다.

아이가 생기면 선물해주고 싶은 욕심이 생깁니다.

아마 직접 디자인해서 만들어 주게 되겠죠...

reviewed by SJ

Rather than simply building a partition down the middle of the 140-square-foot bedroom, which would have created two constrained rooms, the architects decided to build up and within. "The idea of putting the bed on a higher level came up quite quickly in order to win space," explains Santiard. "At the same time we decide to incorporate many ways to use the bed/partition (storage, office, climb, hide with interior windows, doors, etc)."

The result is a massive piece of what is essentially furniture, crafted out of several large sections of painted MDF and secured to the ceiling to keep it from toppling. Six-year old Eva plays and sleeps in the upper level, while small cubbies hold her toys, books, and dolls. There's also a built-in desk for schoolwork and drawing. Jean, now almost two years old, mainly scampers around on the bottom level, where easy access to his bed and toys defines his area. The whole structure is painted light blue, keeping it lightly ethereal. And hidden staircases and peepholes abound to create an overall effect is of a fantastical modern playground for two very lucky children.

A multitude of shelves and storage let Eva hide her stuffed animals, books, and secret notebooks -- with a small corner looking out of the window onto the Paris landscape outside and the window to her brother inside.

The bed seems to soar above the playing space, held up by bookshelf columns and a carefully angled staircase.

from  dwell


Designed by JB FACTORY