*아이폰 프로 [ Jinyoung Choi ] iPhone PRO

당신이 기다리는 진정한 아이폰이 옵니다.

아이폰 프로4.5 " 대화면1280×800 해상도를 지원합니다.

또한 1,200메가 픽셀의 3d 카메라 성능은  우리가 흔히 부르는 똑딱이 카메라의

수준을 뛰어 넘어 준 상위급 카메라와도 어깨를 나란히 합니다.

여기에 후면부에 장착된 서클커넥터는 아이폰 프로를 다양한 디바이스와

결합하여 스마트폰의 한계를 극복합니다.

-DSLR 렌즈 / 빔프로젝트 /스피커 / 저장장치-

하지만 안타깝게도 이 모든 것이 디자이너 최진영씨가 제안하는 가상의 컨셉 모형입니다.

올 하반기 아이폰5이 벌써부터 기다려집니다.

'아이폰의 귀환'

reviewed by SJ

I suppose there's no need to be coy about it now that it's the second (AFD observed, perhaps)

but Seoul-based designer Jinyoung Choi recently sent in a submission that is sure

to blow up on the Interwebs: a concept for the iPhone PRO,

purportedly Apple's answer to the ever-increasing size of new hardware from certain unnamed competitors.

An explanation of the mysterious backside (scandalous, even) and many more lustworthy iRenderings after the jump...

Designed for graphically-inclined users ("who do high-standard work or hobby"),

the iPhone PRO features a 4.5” screen at 1280×800 resolution with a 1.2 megapixel 3D camera,

coming in at 128×73×9.6 (5×2.9×0.38 in.), roughly 40% bigger and only nominally

thicker than the iPhone 4/4S, which is 115.2×58.6×9.3 mm (4.5×2.31×0.37 in.).

Of course, Choi's major suggestion is the peripheral port on the reverse,

roughly where the logo is on existing iDevices. It's roughly one inch in diameter

by eye, and while the attachment mechanism is unclear, the concept is certainly worth considering.

Choi writes that the proprietary connection point could accept "DSLR lens, Beam projector,

portable speaker and removable hard disk... The possibilities of using the rear part are open."

from  core77


Designed by JB FACTORY