*어반 오리가미 자전거 [ Moritz Menacher ] Urban Origami Bike

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-알루미늄 시트를 레이져 커팅 한 후 잘려진 조각을 폴딩하여

접어서 이와 같은 형태를 구축합니다.-

다음달에 열린 하이서울 자전거 대행진이 벌써부터 기다려 집니다.

 reviewed by SJ


The Rollin’ bike design focuses on two of important features helpful to the urban commuter: a stylish, super-lightweight body and a stationary lock integrated into the frame. The frame, which takes more inspiration from contemporary interior design than sporting design, is laser cut from a single sheet of aluminum that has been folded for added stability. The integrated lock is an easy and accessible way to ensure the bike will never go without protection from theft.

from  yankodesign


Designed by JB FACTORY