*경첩 패턴 프린팅된 테잎 [ mmiinn ] X Tape

심플한 창의력 하나가 당신을 웃게 합니다. 5센티미터 폭위에 50미터 길이로

프린팅된 경첩은 종이상자위에 새겨지며 상자를 받는 이로 하여금 순간의 황당함과

더불어 유쾌함을 선사합니다.

reviewed by SJ

Simple creative solutions are always fun and bring a smile to our faces. As someone who has done his fair share of moving, the X Tape product by mmiinn, would have definitely put me in a better state while moving. The clever and inventive minds of Jeong-Min Lee & Hyoung-Min Park of mmiinn, a design collective based in Seoul, South Korea, give tape an optical illusion of strength and security by printing a repetitive color image of hinges onto the 50mm by 45m tape. This fun idea gives the boxes a nice hardware as they are sealed tight with the tape adhesive. Visualizing the closure through the image strengthens your perception of the products function. Simple, clever, inventive and fun! This is the first work of the X Tape series but they plan on growing the collection by late Fall.

from  yatzer


Designed by JB FACTORY