*오리가미 건축적 음향 판넬 시스템 [ rvtr resonant chamber ] origami architectural acoustic panels

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도와주는 움직이는 공명판넬입니다. 독특한 형태만큼이나 재미있는 움직임은 마치 종이접기

오리가미 시스템에 따라 접어지고 펼쳐지며 공간 속의 소리를 바르게 잡아 줍니다.

소리를 반사시키는 솔리드한 대나무 판넬과 소리를 흡수 및 확장시키는 폴리프로필렌 천공 판넬은

각기 다른 볼륨에서 눈에는 보이지 않지만 소리의 볼륨을 만듭니다.

어쩌면 우리 눈에 보이는 가시적인 형태보다 눈에 보이지 않는

소리의 형태를 만드는 것이 이 설치물에게는 중요한 사명감입니다.

단순히 심미적인 형태미는 보이지 않는 소리의 공간에 비하면

아무것도 아니겠지요?

reviewed by SJ

developed by US and toronto-based design research practice rvtr, 'resonant chamber' is an interior architectural paneling system that uses the techniques of rigid origami to transform the acoustic signature of a space. composed of reflective (solid bamboo inserts), absorptive (of pointillated porous expanded polypropylene), and electroacoustic panels, the pieces can dynamically adjust their shape to expose or hide these surfaces, thus altering sonic conditions. a central electrical panel contains sensors as well as controls for linear actuation and amplification of one or more distributed mode louderspeakers (DML) that is also mounted into any of the electroacoustic panels, allowing sound to not only be reflected but also produced by the units themselves (by introducing vibrations through an electroacoustic exciter).

the designers reflect: 'our aim is to create an instrument at the scale of architecture, flexible enough that it might be capable of being played.'

the combination of reflective, absorptive, and sound-generating panels was developed via materials testing in collaboration
with arup acoustics. the models also 'learned' via computer simulations to predictively arrange panels into optimum acoustic
variants based on input like ideal reverberation time and directional data. in vivo, this software can translate such modeling
into the optimization of the displacement and positioning of the panels' tessellated surface.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY