*그리드 텍스트, 인터렉티브 미디어 [ Ben Rubin ] And That's The Way It Is Installation

파사드에 두드러지게 표현된 프레임을 따라 흐르는 텍스트 애니메이션

건축물에 또다른 얼굴을 선사합니다.

텍사스 대학의 퍼블릭 아트 프로그램 '랜드마크'의 중 하나인 텍스트 그리드는

CBS 저녁뉴스 스크립트를 실시간으로 포워딩 하여 그리드 위에 투사합니다.

이렇게 그리드를 따라 흐르는 텍스트는 건축의 파사드를 정의하는 디자인이자

소통을 위한 커다란 창이 됩니다.

reviewed by SJ

Ben Rubin's installation And That's The Way It Is animates architecture with a composition of moving and changing texts, creating visual and written patterns.

Rubin is known for his experiments that mix audio, visual and digital electronics. He is the co-founder of EAR (Electronic Art Research) Studio. With a background in computer science and semiotics, his practice has always played creatively with the artistic potential of electronic media.

His monumental installation was unveiled 19 April in conjunction with the dedication of the Walter Cronkite Plaza in Austin, Texas. The six-channel projection is visible every evening from sunset to midnight on the southern façade of the College of Communication A Building, a department of the University of Texas at Austin.

The grid of text projected on the building alternatively refers to words from live network news and from archival transcripts of CBS Evening News from the Cronkite era. Using two different typefaces for them, Rubin connects the past and the present, or the visual and the written, with a work that calls for personal associations and active engagement.

And That's The Way It Is was commissioned by the University of Texas as part of the public art program Landmarks.

"And That's the Way It Is" by artist Ben Rubin honors the legacy of Walter Cronkite from UT College of Communication on Vimeo.

Full Cycle - "And That's the Way It Is" by artist Ben Rubin honors the legacy of Walter Cronkite from UT College of Communication on Vimeo.

from  frameweb


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