*인터렉티브 설치물 The Principals ] Cosmic Quilt – Reactive Architectural Environment

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reviewed by SJ

“The project aims to answer the question ‘What if architecture responded to our presence?’ This project is a realization of our ultimate ambition, which is to design spaces and objects that expand upon our understanding of the built realm without abandoning its history. Soon, just as we can sense a space as calm, contemplative or frenetic … space itself will be able to sense our presence and react accordingly.”

Brooklyn based The Principals, along with twenty students from the Art Institute of New York designed and constructed a reactive architectural environment that opened to the public during New York Design Week in May, 2012. The unique system of sensor-controlled motors developed by The Proncipals was constructed using over 3 000 pieces that created an 8ft x 16ft x 12ft tall interactive structure, capable of responding to the presence of a visitor. The prototype installation combines technology, sensors, micro controlles and motors, with traditional craft in the form of quilt making.

The structure will also be installed at the Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival in Manchester, Tennessee from June 7-10.

Student Team: Adrienne Carducci, Wesley Fulgham, Ryan Fleming, Ryan Griffin, Jonathan Howard, Glorimer Ovalle, Morgane Palacios, Marianne Sodogandji, Sabrina Stefano, Stephanie Zeni

Cosmic Quilt - Update! from The Principals on Vimeo.

Cosmic Quilt from The Principals on Vimeo.

from  evolo


Designed by JB FACTORY