*자가증식 모바일 풍선 파빌리온 [ Architects of Air ] Miracoco

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reviewed by SJ

Alien to its surrounding structures, the newest luminarium by Architects of Air takes off in a flash of light to fascinate those who are drawn into this strange, colourful setting.

With over 500 exhibitions behind them, the designers at Architects of Air are known for creating alternate spatial experiences. As multi-functional venues for music, theatre, science, dance and design, Architects of Air's four previous luminarium are noted as colossal, inflatable structures that contain a stimulating setting of light and colour. Designed with tunnels acting as massive networks of colour-blasting twists and turns, each luminarium is erected over 100 sq-m during a four-hour installation process.

Reminiscent of the Lotus Temple in India, the newest edition - Miracoco - is no exception. More profuse than any of its predecessors, this dome allows daylight to spread through the coloured PVC, allowing users to immerse themselves in vivid hues of red, orange, purple and blue.

With its futuristic façade, illuminated interior seams and spiral lattices, Miracoco premiered in July in France and hasn’t yet stopped touring. Acclaimed as one of the most dexterous forms of art, Miracoco’s fascinating fluorescent chambers can next be experienced from 26 August to 4 September at the Aarhus Festival in Denmark.

from  frameweb


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