*수직정원, 그린파사드 공법 [ Kengo Kuma & Associates ] Green Cast

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reviewed by SJ

Kengo Kuma & Associates have created this visually stunning mixed-use building in Odawara, Japan, featuring a living façade made of aluminum die-cast panels that act as vertical planters. The slightly slanted panels are made of monoblock casting and give an organic appearance, as the cast comes from decayed styrene foam.

Architects: Kengo Kuma & Associates
Location: -shi, Kanagawa prefecture in Japan
Total Area: 1047.80sqm (residence area: 181.61sqm)
Project Year: 2011
Photographs: Kengo Kuma & Associates

Structure: RC, steel-frame
Number of Stories:1 underground, 4 stories above
Site area: 424.50sqm
Built area:207.64sqm
Floor area for each story:B1F:288.68sqm, 1F:201.65sqm, 2F:189.13sqm, 3F: 189.13sqm, 4F: 181.61sqm
Maximum height: 14.97m

Structure:Makino Structural Design
Utilities, Equipment:P.T. Morimura and Associates
Construction:Takenaka Corporation
Tree Planting:Sugiko
Aluminum Die-Cast: Sanwa Tajima
Construction Period:May 2010 – June 2011

The five story building was completed in the summer of 2011. Parking is available on the basement and ground floor, along with a pharmacy and clinic. The next two floors provide space for offices and a vocational school, while the fourth floor belongs to a two bedroom residence with access to a private rooftop terrace.

Equipment such as watering hoses, an air reservoir for ventilation and downpipes are integrated behind the aluminum panels to allow the façade to accommodate a comprehensive system for the building.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY