*교회 리노베이션 프로젝트 [ Hammerschmid Pachl Seebacher Architekten ] Annakapelle Schladming

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reviewed by SJ

Austrian architects Hammerschmid Pachl Seebacher have renovated a fourteenth century stone chapel with skeletons in its basement

The newly opened crypt had been closed off for around 200 years and the anonymous human bones and skulls found inside now line its walls.

The ground floor chapel above has been restored as a multiple-purpose room for the popular tourist town of Schladming.

Wooden benches and tables can be moved into different configurations to flexibly host talks, exhibitions or events.

The revitalization of the cemetery chapel from the 14th century includes the restoration of the ossuary in the lower chapel, and the adaptation of the upper chapel into a cultural space.

The project includes an intensive examination of the historical use and the architectural significance of the building.

The church square as the threshold between public space, church and cemetery in the area becomes an major importance.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY