*북스토어 포트 [ studio kg ] librairie la fontaine

도서관 내부에 설치된 5개의 북스토어는 책을 진열하는 선반 역활과

내부공간에 원형 북스토어의 흐름을 따라 형성된 유기적인 공간을

구분하는 동선을 만듭니다.

reviewed by SJ

studio kg's 'librairie la fontaine', relocated to sanaa's rolex learning center in 2010, breaks the grid-like order of the archetypal bookstore and stimulates a free flowing circulation. taking cues from its host structure, the interior of the curvilinear space contains 5 'pods' that independently present the literary works, provide a sheltered seating area within the structures, and shape the flow of movement through the shop. the architects also designed the auxiliary furniture pieces placed throughout the shop.  the round shape helps to trap indirect light, funneling it to the inner reading area as it reflects off the stark white veneer of the concave side of the pods.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY