*양측회유성 스페이스, 아파트 리모델링 [ jun murata ] amphidromous rectangle

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reviewed by SJ

japanese architect jun murata has conceived 'amphidromous rectangle', an apartment renovation in amagasaki, hyogo, japan. a donut configuration within a rectangular footprint creates a free circulation between the flexible living and work areas of this dwelling, supporting the client'sdesire for a house with the ability to conduct business. an adaptable lighting system along the perimeter walls can adjust the atmosphere with the changing function of the main space. the northern wall is also surfaced to produce a blurred reflection, making the room feel larger.

the interior's 10.5 meter depth and 5.4 meter width is further subdivided with sliding doors, detailed to reveal a slit of light along its edges even in the closed position. additional program includes a partially enclosed kitchen, tatami room, guest space and walk-in closet which maintain continuity with adjacent rooms.

project: amphidromous rectangle / csm 402 - renovation
architect / designer: jun murata / jam
constructor: kataoka koumuten corporation
model: nini, shasha
photo: jun murata
location: amagasaki, hyogo, japan
completion: 2012
function: guest house, incubation office
total floor area: 51 sqm
design: mar.-apr., 2012
construction: may. - jun. 2012

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY