*레고 브릿지 [ MEGX ] Lego Bridge

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독일 부퍼탈시, 도시 재생프로젝트의 일환 중 하나인 레고브릿지

회색으로 일관된 도시의 무거운 톤에 하일라이트를 줌으로써 새로운 활력을 불어 넣습니다.

이러한 도시재생 프로젝트는 기존 거주민들에게는 생기넘치는 이미지를 통한

어반라이프의 즐거움을, 이곳을 찾는 외부인들에게는

커다란 어반 퍼블릭 아트 스페이스로 전달됩니다.

이러한 과정은 인구감소 침체된 도시경제를 살리는 수단으로


또 다른 곳에는 무엇이 설치되었을까요? 궁금해 집니다.

reviewed by SJ

As children love to imagine, what if we actually built our cities out of Legos? A bridge in Wuppertal, Germany, a city of 350,000 to the northeast of Cologne, offers one vision of what that city might look like. Street artist Martin Heuwold, or as he tags, MEGX, created the grand illusion last fall when he painted a dingy concrete span in the bright hues of every architect’s favorite toys.

The city appears to be banking on the High Line Effect. Faced with the prospect of a declining population, Wuppertal has been looking for ideas to reinvigorate the city and increase residents’ quality of life. The Lego Bridge is part of a 10-mile pedestrian and cycle path called Wuppertal Bewegung e.V. being built through the city on what was once the Wuppertal Northern Railway. Plans are also on the boards for a heritage trolley to run atop the viaduct.

from  archpaper


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