*유니크한 포이어 디자인 [ soma -Viscous Affiliation – New Foyer and Adaption of the Building Academy

오늘 프로젝트는 소마디자인이 설계한 살즈버그 아카데미 센터의

주출입구 진입로와 포이어공간입니다.

기존 공장홀과 연계되도록 설계된 전실은 각 주요공간으로 공용공간으로

다양한 공간으로 활용 및 변형됩니다. -프리젠테이션, 영화상영, 콘서트 또는 리허설 등

다양한 문화활동 및 공용공간으로 활용됩니다.-

특히 포이어 공간을 새롭게 정의하는 디자인은 바닥으로 부터 솟아 올라 지붕의 구조체를 이루는

유기적인 볼륨으로 마치 커다란 나무를 형상화 한 듯 보입니다.

기하학적인 패턴의 프레임은 3차원 공간 모델링을 통한 시뮬레이션으로

디자인되며 실제 현실세계의 볼륨으로 구체화 됩니다.

공간을 구성하는 점, 선, 면 을 가지고 볼륨의 크기를 결정하는

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공간 연출로 마무리 됩니다.

강력한 오브제와 구조가 공간을 지배합니다.

 reviewed by SJ

Soma’s design creates a new foyer and entrance topography to the Building Academy in Salzburg, and adapts an existing factory hall into a cultural venue. After the conversion, the foyer will serve multiple purposes – as a lobby for the school and as a public space for various cultural events in the adjacent halls, such as presentations, movie screenings, concerts or rehearsals.

The new roof structure creates a consistent and smooth transition between the exterior and the interior of the building. It connects the different functional areas in one fluid space and creates an open and evocative atmosphere. Structural performance, lighting and functional zoning, as well as the creation of an intuitively understandable guidance system correlate in one continuous structure. The widening of the roof geometry from a framed into a freely spreading geometry can be read as a contingent affiliation of the existing spatial characteristics.

The three-dimensional pattern was generated in a simulation of fluids based on particle flows. Liquids have three essential parameters: viscosity, density and surface tension. The interactions between these three physical properties have been tested on the computer in a series of variations to generate a pattern with a big amount of holes and a high level of coherence.

Realizing this complex structure in exposed concrete posed major challenges in the area of formwork construction, which was tested and optimized in 1:1 mock ups. The finely triangulated surface of the concrete structure allows a subtle play of light and shadow and was achieved by testing different milling techniques. The advanced geometry of the roof and its innovative construction process reflect the competencies and teaching focus of the Building Academy in the field of concrete application.

from  evolo


Designed by JB FACTORY