*방사능 좀비 설치물 [ Luzinterruptus ] Radioactive Control

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reviewed by SJ

During the Dockville Festival in Hamburg, Luzinterruptus produced a sense of paranoia with its latest – and last – intervention.

Germany seemed the obvious location for Radioactive Control when the country recently announced total abandonment of nuclear energy by 2022. To increase pressure, Luzinterruptus stimulated the idea of ‘life under the constant threat of nuclear accidents’.

Over the course of six days, the team erected 100 illuminated, radioactive figures. The zombie-like army stood in silence for one month within a calm field on the festival grounds.

Bringing to light the recent issues with radioactive material in Japan, the intervention portrayed an eerily life-like look at a future of chemical chaos. In what Luzinterruptus refers to as a ‘humorous tone’, the illuminated society aroused feelings of paranoia by jolting partygoers into the reality surrounding nuclear energy and its consequences on health and the environment.

from  frameweb


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