*인더스트리얼 디자인, 빛으로 리뉴얼 하다 임페리어 빌딩 레스토랑 [ Fearon Hay Architects ] The Imperial Buildings

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1886년에서 1911년 사이에 지어진 임페이얼 빌딩은 구시대의 풍부한 유산을 담고 있는

건축물입니다. 이 빌딩을 새롭게 리뉴얼 함으로써 현재공간에 재조명하는 것이

이번 프로젝트의 목표입니다. 그중에서도 기존 건축물이 가지고 있는 재료를

철거 또는 훼손하지 않고 재조명함으로써 이전 시간의 가치를 존중합니다.

임페리얼 빌딩을 구축하는 글래스, 스틸, 벽돌, 팀버트러스 그리고 노출콘크리트는 새롭게

수직으로 열린 샤프트 스페이스로 빛을 받아 들이며 이전에 보지 못했던

재료의 질감과 음양을 되찾습니다. 그리고 그 수직통로를 통하여 유입되는 자연채광은

사람들을 모으고 기존의 공간에 활력을 불어 넣습니다.

이렇게 활력을 되찾은 공간은 사람들을 끌어 당기는 매력적인 레스토랑으로


reviewed by SJ

Built between 1886 and 1911, the Imperial Buildings are a rich mix of heritage spaces and building fabric in downtown Auckland. The brief sought to bring this mix together with a comprehensive rework, restoration and upgrade of the existing buildings.

Architects: Fearon Hay Architects
Location: , New Zealand
Project Year: 2011
Project Area: 5000.0 sqm
Photographs: Patrick Reynolds

The design approach is based on creating a new network of circulation through the properties, enabling connection and interaction of previously inaccessible volumes contained within the buildings. The backbone of this strategy is a new laneway for Auckland: Imperial Lane.

This ground level connection between recently upgraded serviceway Fort Lane and the retail thoroughfare of Queen Street is activated by street dining serviced from central tables stepped to follow the level of the new ramped lane.

Vertical shafts are cut through the floors above the lane, introducing light into the space and a language of opaque glass and steel to complement the ‘found’ brickwork, timber truss, stone and dilapidated concrete of the original fabric.

A vertical connection is made from the middle of the lane – a sculptural staircase accesses a new courtyard on the level above ground.

This courtyard was carved from a service-filled lightwell, with large openings formed in the surrounding walls and the addition of new steel plate stairways and balconies ensuring that spaces over the upper levels enjoy connection and interaction with this enlarged central space.

The network of public connection and open circulation spaces provides a sense of precinct for the five levels of commercial office space, restaurants, bars and retail spaces that have now occupied the revitalised buildings.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY