*폴카도트 루이비통 [ Yayoi Kusama ] Shop Windows_Louis Vuitton

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폴카도트로 불리우는- 우리도 예전에 땡땡이라고 부르는 도트무늬가

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그리고 곧 루이비통의 새로운 라인업으로 가방, 옷, 쥬얼리, 슈즈에

폴카도트를 새깁니다.

reviewed by SJ

Iconic Japanese designer Yayoi Kusama has teamed with Louis Vuitton to create a super-powered (and polka dotted) design collaboration.

Under the artistic direction of Marc Jacobs, Vuitton and Kusama’s program consists of a clothing line and shop window displays. Filled with three-dimensional worm-like pieces (which the artist calls ‘nerves’) the displays are stamped with Kusama’s trademark: polka dots. The resulting visual effect captures essences of scale, colour and density.  

Many of Vuitton’s items – watches, jewellery, shoes, clothes and leather goods – have also been reinterpreted by the Kusama, who has covered them largely with repetitive dotted patterns.

The pair also produced a traveling exhibition, which last year visited the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía in Madrid, the Centre Pompidou in Paris and the Tate Modern in London. It’s currently showing at the NYC’S Whitney Museum (stay tuned for a review on frameweb.com by our New York correspondent, Olivia Sholler).

from  frameweb


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