Casa H está
situada en un lugar prestigioso, un barrio residencial de Rožna Dolina.
El proyecto consiste en integrar con el jardín una introvertida casa de
los 60. Para ello se añadió un pabellón a modo de jardín de invierno y
sala de estar extra que actúa como transición entre la casa y el jardín.
Aunque el pabellón es una cáscara de hormigón armado, flota leve sobre
el suelo y preserva la continuidad del espacio exterior, aparece como
una roca, como un elemento más del paisaje. Las grandes aberturas de
suelo a techo miran hacia el jardín como lentes de una cámara ávida de

house H, Ljubljana
floor area: 238 m2
project: 2004 - 2005
built: 2005 - 2006
address: Podrožniška 8a, SI 1000 Ljubljana
client: private
project team:
Matija Bevk
Vasa Perović
Ana Čeligoj
Davor Počivašek
photo: M.Kambič
House H pavillion, Slovenia (from nextroom)
House H is situated on a prestigious location – in a residential neighbourhood of Rožna dolina, on the border between the city centre and the greenery of Rožnik hill. Renovation and extension was about connecting existing, introverted, autonomous 60’s structure with the surrounding garden.
The new garden pavilion is an extra living room which works as a mediator between the house and the garden. Distanced from the house and raised from the ground it works as a space ‘in between’ – floating above ground despite its heavy concrete structure.
The floor plan of the monolithic structure is a literal interpretation of specific requirements by city planners which included distancing new structure 4 meters from the site edges. The ‘broken’ roof is dictated by the views opening to the outside. The pavilion works as ‘camera’ with the floor to ceiling openings functioning as lenses directing the views to the greenery. The structure of polished white concrete appears as a rock, randomly thrown into the garden.
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