*올림픽 조각 공원 [ Weiss / Manfredi ] Olympic Sculpture Park

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reviewed by SJ

Seattle Art Museum: Olympic Sculpture Park

Olympic Sculpture Park is the winning design of an international competition.

Envisioned as a new model for an urban sculpture park, the project is located on a industrial site at the water's edge. The design creates a continuous constructed landscape for art, forms an uninterrupted Z-shaped "green" platform, and descends 40 feet from the city to the water, capitalizing on views of the skyline and Elliot Bay and rising over the existing infrastructure to reconnect the urban core to the revitalized waterfront.

An exhibition pavilion provides space for art, performances and educational programming. From this pavilion, the pedestrian route descends to the water, linking three new archetypal landscapes of the northwest: a dense temperate evergreen forest, a deciduous forest and a shoreline garden. The design not only brings sculpture outside of the museum walls but brings the park itself into the landscape of the city.

Location: Seattle, Washington
Year: 2007
Consultant Team
Structural and Civil Engineering: Magnusson Klemencic Associates
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering: ABACUS Engineered Systems
Lighting Design: Brandston Partnership Inc.
Geotechnical Engineering: Hart Crowser
Environmental: Aspect Consulting
Aquatic Engineering: Anchor Environmental
Graphics: Pentagram
Security and AV/IT: ARUP
Catering & Food Service: Bon Appetit
Kitchen: JLR Design
Retail: Doyle + Associates
Architectural Site Representation: Owens Richards Architects, pllc

from  weissmanfredi


Designed by JB FACTORY