*어반 레지던스 퍼블릭 파크 [ Espace Libre ] Asnières Residential Park

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담당하는 퍼블릭 스페이스로의 성장을 기대해 봅니다.

reviewed by SJ

Located in the heart of Asnières sur Seine, a plot of 6000 m² on two levels becomes a meeting place for the population . As an urban staple it helps build a missing link between the different neighborhoods, college and high school, which revolves around this space. To link the two sides of the square, a fold has achieved in the axis of the two entrances thereby making more  natural path between them. Playgrounds suround the plot center of the square, of whom the top level, is reserved for children under 6 years, while the lower level is open to teens. A second square plot serves to college while acting as a gateway to the development. Moreover, a species-specific mono, lavender, is planted on the edge of the high level to emphasize the link between the two entrances.

Landscape Architecture: Espace Libre
Designer: Anaël Maulay
Location: France, Asnières sur Seine, 138 rue du Ménil
Design: 2011
Construction: 2012
Area: 6200m²
Budget: 700 000 euros
Image credits and text: Espace Libre

from  landezine


Designed by JB FACTORY