*대나무 중정 티하우스 [ HWCD Associates ] Bamboo Courtyard Teahouse

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호수에 부유하는 새로운 형태의 큐빅 볼륨들을 만들어 내는데,

주로 밖보다는 안을 중시하는 전통기법을 따라 다양한 작은 중정을 만들고 있습니다.

흥미로운 점은 이러한 공간구축을 현실화 하고 구축하는 재료가

우리 주변에 쉽게 볼 수 있는 대나무를 이용한다는 점입니다.

적절한 탄성과 강성을 가진 대나무는 전체 티하우스를 세로형태로 가로형태로

교차시키면서 연속적인 리드믹컬한 공간들을 만들어 냅니다.

밤하늘 호수위에 놓여진 티하우스는 고요한 수면위에 

앉아 있는 등불과 같이 영원한 시간 속으로 우리를 인도합니다.  

reviewed by SJ

Tea, one of China’s most precious culture heritages has remained popular throughout the thousands of years. As tea leaves come from modest tea trees, through the long process of picking the leaves, drying the leaves and finally produces a cup of tea.

Location: ShiQiao, Yangzhou
Client: Building And Construction Authority of YangZhou Economic and Technological Development Zone
Client-side Project Manager: YaoQiang
Design Firm: Harmony World Consulting & Design (HWCD)
Design-partner-in-charge: Sun Wei, Shi Jun
Building Area: 400m2
Completed: May 2012

Thus, tea requires an unassuming setting in order to understand its lengthy process. Today, the appreciation of Chinese tea has become an art and furthermore, many teahouses are designed for this purpose.

Amongst the lush ShiQiao garden, stands this humble tea house which embraces the traditional Chinese garden fundamentals while blending into the natural environment.

The tea house is known as the bamboo courtyard as it mainly uses bamboo to create an interesting play of vertical and horizontal lines. In some spaces, the vertical and horizontal elements intensify to form a psychedelic perspective, evoking a profound sensory perception.

Traditionally, Yangzhou courtyards are formed with inward facing pavilions, creating an internal landscape space. So, drawing inspiration from this, the bamboo courtyard was designed from a basic square footprint, fragmented into small spaces to create an internal landscape area. Each of the spaces has views into the surrounding lake, allowing a panoramic view of the area.

As one walks through the bamboo courtyard, the asymmetrical corridors present an intentional semi-obstructed vision with the layering of bamboos.

There is a strong experiential sense of space, layered from one to another; from totally open to the internal lake to narrow spaces between the rough brick finish and bamboo curtain.

From the exterior, the bamboo courtyard has a cube form with a variation of solids and voids. The strong verticality becomes more apparent at night when the teahouse lights up to illuminate the surroundings. The simple form illustrates the harmonious blending of architecture with nature.

Moreover, the natural materials such as bamboo and bricks have low embodied energy and low impact on the environment. The pocket of voids improves natural ventilation within the bamboo courtyard while the thick brick wall retains heat in winter, reducing the dependency of mechanical heating and cooling system.

One who appreciates tea would understand that every serving of tea differs in colour, scent and taste even if it is from the same pot. There is a layering of experience in enjoying every cup of tea. Thus, the bamboo courtyard is an abstraction of the tea experience, creating layers of experience through spaces.

If tea is an art and architecture is a way of life, then the bamboo courtyard is the portrait of the both worlds.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY