*스위밍 풀장 하우스 [ FARMand KD Architects ] The Pool Shophouse

1920년대 지어진 싱가폴 리니어 하우스를 새롭게 리뉴얼 합니다.

리니어한 1층에 새롭게 디자인된 풀장은 기존 주거공간에 새로운 모티베이션 스페이스로

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reviewed by SJ

Architecture studios FARM and KD Architects have converted a 1920s shophouse in Singapore into a residence with a swimming pool stretched along the ground floor.

Long, narrow shophouses are a typical building typology in Southeast Asia and the Pool Shophouse is one of eight renovated properties in the Lorong 24A Shophouse Series, for which various architects were asked to adapt and extend properties in the Geylang neighbourhood.

Architects Tiah Nan Chyuan and Lee Hui Lian explain how they wanted to create “an insertion” rather than “an extension” to the building. “One experiences the continuity of space through a series of stairs that loop through the shophouse,” they say.

The staircases they refer to zigzag back and forth through the house to connect the three existing floors with the four-storey extension, which contains bedrooms within its upper storeys.

Narrow strips of lighting highlight the gaps between these new staircases and the exposed brick walls of the original building.

Light filters into the house through a skylight at the centre, which is screened behind a louvred ceiling.

Location: Lorong 24A Geylang, Singapore

Design Consultants: FARM in collaboration with KD Architects
Design team: Kurjanto Slamet, Tiah Nan Chyuan, Lee Hui Lian

Land area: (in m2) 143.30 sqm
Built-in GFA: (in m2) 366.94 sqm
Project Year: 2012

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY