*씨티폴리스 헤드쿼터 인 레이다 [ Mestura Arquitectes ] City Police Headquarters in Lleida

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reviewed by SJ

The volumetric proposal responds to the urban needs through a single body U-shaped around a courtyard that opens onto the landscaped areas protected from the street Salmeron. The building is positioned according to the road alignments Round the Old Cathedral and Pallars street, in order to free up space in the area of the main access from the junction Prat de la Riba – Salmeron. There is here a big protected green area that represents a counterpoint to the building and simultaneously acts as a visual reference from the inner courtyard. This court articulates and prioritizes the various uses within the center and at the same time filled with light all the rooms.

Architects: Mestura Arquitectes
Location: Lleida,
Project Year: 2010
Photographs: Jordi Clariana, David Capellas, Francesco Soppelsa

Project Area: 5,293.93 sqm
Budget: € 8,989,212.35
Promotor: Edificio PGU Lleida S.A.

The general appearance is that of a compact body with a stone treatment of the exterior walls, high above the ground by a concrete base, but also light and transparent where it is necessary to open, outdoor areas of access and attention span citizens, as well as the facades that open into the courtyard.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY