*플로팅 갤러리 [ Architech ] Iba Dock

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부두와 연결된 플로팅 빌딩은 가로 43미터 세로 25미터 크기의

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reviewed by SJ

City and Climate Change
Because of global warming and rising water levels of the oceans and the groundwater – the rivers have to absorb more water in future.

The further increase of dikes could not be longer a sustainable solution and we must find new strategies for houses and cities. At the moment there are no solutions for historical city centre and monuments. But for new urban settlements and expansions near to the water there are innovative possibilities: floating buildings.

A floating building is rising and falling with the water. It could float wherever it is needed and is a symbol of the flexibility of the ideal urban transformation in times of climate change.

Floating buildings can be formed into new urban configurations. These cities could be quickly adapted to changing necessaries and conditions.  They generate the new city types of the 21th Century: the floating city.

Architects: Architech
Location: , Germany
Design Team: Han Slawik
Client: IBA Hamburg GmbH
Area: 1,075 sqm
Year: 2010
Photographs: Rüdiger Mosler, Courtesy of – Architecture and Technology, Courtesy of IBA Hamburg GmbH

Iba Dock
In Müggenburger Zollhafen –a port of the Elbe in Hamburg – Germany’s largest floating building is located: the IBA DOCK. The building and the gangway move up and down with the daily tide of 3,5 m.  It floats on the water even in extreme storms and adjusts to the nature. A bridge leads to the entrance on the top deck, accessing exhibition and presentation areas, a city model, cafeteria and an outdoor terrace. East to the exhibition area there are offices for the staff.

The building is made on a 43 m long and 25 m wide concrete pontoon that serve as a pier.  The 3-floors structures were built in a modular lightweight steel frame with prefabricated modules.  They were assembled on site and can be dismounted when the building changing the location and passing bridges. Subsequently the modules can be re-assembled and varied.

Energy and Sustainability
The IBA DOCK is also an exhibition of innovative construction and energy saving technologies – a great example of sustainability and energy efficiency:  Almost all components are reusable and the whole building can be assembled/de-assembled/re-assembled.

The IBA DOCK uses only the environmental energy of the sun and the water with CO2-neutral heating and cooling system. A heat pump exploits energy from the Elbe and the electricity demand of this is covered by a photovoltaic system on the roof. Other cooling or heating is not needed.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY