*템퍼러리 트램폴린 브릿지 인 파리 [ azc ] bridge in paris

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그릇은 용도를 달리 합니다. 새롭게 제안되는 템퍼러리 브릿지는 파리가 가지고 있는 도시환경에

인간 본연의 행복과 즐거움을 삽입 및 표현하는 장소로 제안됩니다.

3개의 도넛튜브안에 설치된 트램벌린은 강위를 단순히 건너가는 행위가 아닌

놀이공간으로 변화시키면서 또다른 크리에이티브 스페이스를 형성하게 됩니다.

다이나믹한 공간은 유쾌한 에너지를 발산시키면서 새로운 도시문화의

장소를 형성하게 됩니다.

reviewed by SJ

the competition brief, a bridge in paris, allows paris-based studio AZC to locate an architectural reflection within the realm of contemporary urban enjoyment. by noting that the notion of happiness is often linked to nature they recognize that human beings remain nostalgic for and imaginative of a state of primal happiness, of ancestral times when body and spirit were essentially free.

while paris has grown to conform a movement to regular rituals and daily itineraries, it appears that the bridges and passages necessary
for the flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic across its waterways. by inviting its visitors and inhabitants to engage on a newer and more playful path across this same water, a distinctive urban feature is proposed: an inflatable bridge equipped with giant trampolines, dedicated to the joyful release from gravity as one bounces above the river.

installed near the bir-hakeim bridge, the conception is formed out of inflatable modules, like giant life-preservers, 30 meters in diameter. in the central part of each ring, a trampoline mesh is stretched. the floating buoys, fabricated in PVC membrane, are attached together by cord to form a stable and self-supporting ensemble. each module under tension - filled with 3700 cubic meters of air - developing in space with an arch-like form. designed entirely of light materials, the project crosses the seine at a specific point; it can of course adapt to larger or smaller dimensions at other sites. located in direct relationship to eiffel’s tower the installation becomes symbol of ephemeral architecture designed to provide a unique experience: a view of all of paris.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY