Las casas
diseñadas por Withney Sander poseen alguna curiosidad relevante, en
cierto modo cómica, que encuadra a este arquitecto en una raza con
pocos ejemplares pero presente en todas partes y en todas las épocas.
Arquitectos que van más allá de la cordura; o, dicho de otro modo, que
dan siempre más de lo que de ellos se espera. Es la misma raza de
Maynard, por mencionar uno presente en arkinetia, o de Rodolfo
Livingston, siempre esquivo a las revistas de arquitectura (literal y
figuradamente), o del propio Le Corbusier, por no omitir al que todos
se imaginan.
Sander también explica que este es el ejemplar más ecológico de todas sus HYBRID HOUSE, un sistema "en parte prefabricado y en todo personal". Tratamiento de aguas servidas, captación solar pasiva, enfriamiento estratégico, captura de agua llovida para riego, aislación térmica de géneros reciclados, revestimiento a base de semillas de girasol, suelos de bambú, marmoleum (linóleo), acero reciclado, etc.

Memoria original en inglés::
Residence for a
Briard came out of conversations with the owners who found an old
bungalow in Culver City and initially considered a renovation. After
discussions with architect Whitney Sander they realized that they could
take advantage of his Hybrid House to build a ground-up duplex for only
slightly more than the proposed reno budget.
The gauntlet they threw down: to build the greenest house that had ever come out of the Sander practice.
The challenge: a very tight budget.
third issue was Hobbes, the Briard for whom the home is named: not only
a huge dog but a huge factor that influenced everything from stair
design to finishing materials. This is an instance when it was
important that a design “go to the dogs.”
Hybrid House was one
of the things that attracted the clients to the Sander. The firm’s
strong design reputation was important too as the client is one of the
founders of the Architectural Foundation of Los Angeles.
The short list: very modern, very green, very dog friendly.
for a Briard is the greenest Hybrid House ever built. Strategies and
materials include: greywater systems, passive heating and cooling
strategies, cistern to capture rainwater for watering landscaping,
recycled blue jean insulation, sunflower seed wall board, bamboo
flooring, marmoleum, structural steel frames from recycled steel, and
Images and details will be added as this project progresses.
$118 sf - includes site prep, foundation, hookups, all construction.
This is one of our Hybrid House: part prefab, all custom(tm) projects.
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