*사라예보 루프 브릿지 [ bojan kanlic and amila hrustic ] festina lente bridge in sarajevo

사라예보 파인아트 아카데미를 연결하는 브릿지의 가장 큰 화두는

아이러니 입니다. 상반된 두가지 요소를 연결하는 동시에 대비를 통한

컨셉의 의도를 명확히 전달합니다.

바쁨과 느림, 오른쪽과 왼쪽, 세속과 영적, 도시의 심볼과 아카데미 게이트 등의

요소를 브릿지 위에 발란스를 맞춥니다. 물리적으로 도시와 아카데미를 연결하는 브릿지는

심플하며 유니크합니다. 이것은 38미터의 길이를 리니어하게 연결하는 알루미늄 스틸 프레임과

글래스 난간 그리고 브릿지 중심부에 휘감아 돌아가는 원형 루프를 통해 구현됩니다.

도시 게이트의 상징적 의미를 내포하는 심볼로 원형루프는 브릿지를 건너는 이용자들에게

작은 휴식공간으로 제공됩니다.- 루프공간은 브릿지의 상반된 이미지가 극적으로 만나는 장소로

각각 유리와 돌을 사용한 벤치로 또한번 비쥬얼 대비감을 만들어 냅니다.-

심플함 그리고 유니크함은 사라예보에서 만나는 또다른 명물로 브릿지를 만들 것입니다.

reviewed by SJ

Festina Lente, which in Latin means “hurry slowly”, is a looping bridge designed by three Bosnian product designers that has been completed outside the Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo. The basic idea of the bridge is the union of the secular and spiritual and to establish a balance between left and right side. Crossing the bridge is a unique experience because of its specific layout and the views that we encounter when going through the gate (the closed part of the bridge), preparing us to enter into another dimension and awake spirituality. Technological solutions and the modern design of the bridge become the brand of Sarajevo.

The tender for the construction of a pedestrian bridge was announced in 2007, and five years later the bridge was built. The bridge construction is steel with aluminium trim and a glass fence. The bridge spans 38 metres. The bridge creates a true “genius loci” appropriate to the area in front of the temple as the Academy of Fine Arts. The former church, today the Academy of Fine Arts, was built in the time of the Viennese secession.

Its form is unique, simple and attractive at the same time and because of the unexpectedness triggers a series of associations, establishing a new vision. The loop on the bridge is a symbolic gate – in our traditions, entrances in the cities have always been marked by gates. Line appears on most Secession facilities, among which is the Academy of Fine Arts.

Around the bridge we have different styles of facilities and two benches which are completely different, one covered with grass and another built from stone, which we decided on for visual contrast. On the bridge are two benches in covered sections, so it’s a place of meeting and interacting. LED white lights illuminate the structure at night.

from  urdesign


Designed by JB FACTORY