*쌍파울로 공동주거 [ Reinach Mendonça Arquitetos Associados ] Fidalga 800 Building

쌍파울로 빌라 마다레나 지역의 막다른 도로에 위치한 공동주거는

매우 분명한 건축적 특징을 갖고 진행되었습니다.

그것은 층마다 위치한 2개의 티피컬 유닛이 각각 균등하게 태양빛에 노출되는 동시에

쌍파울로의 아름다운 습지대 조망 또한 균등하게 만드는 것입니다.

여기에 두개의 메탈릭 그릴은 공동주거 파사드를 이루는 두번째 스킨으로

외부로 부터 유입되는 직사광선을 적절히 차단함으로써 내부환경을

일정하게 유지시켜주는 필터링재 역활과 건축적 형태의 아이텐티를 동시에 구축합니다.

reviewed by SJ

In a land lot located in an dead-end street, in the district of Vila Madalena, São Paulo, the project for this residential building followed a very clear and specific architectural concept: the two typical floor units should receive the same insolation conditions and the same view of the beautiful landscape of the west zone of the city of São Paulo.

Architects: Reinach Mendonça Arquitetos Associados
Location: São Paulo, Brasil
Coordinator: Frederico Zara
Project Team: Luciana Maki, Marcelo Zahr, Denise Hino, Rodrigo Nogueira, Fernando Sunao, Humberto Buso, Tony Chen, Flora Fuji, Lucas Padovani, Rafael Costa, Caterina Chippari, Camila Benegas, Luciana Morais, Fernanda Jozsef, Maurício Metello, Maíra Cordeiro, Flávia Henriques, Natália Campos, Ana Júlia Sprovieri, Natasha Vilaça, Fernanda Duarte e João Faim
Project Area: 4,700 sqm
Project Year: 2011
Photographs: Nelson Kon

Landscape: Maria Helena Cruz
Lightning: Lumini
Structure: Esteng
Contractor: CPD

With a frontage to the street measuring 20 meters only, matching the most important view, the plan arrangement of the typical floor plan required several hours of drawings and cleverness by the design.

Two metallic grilles have been designed as a second skin, which cover the entire building at 40 cm from the sashes, playing the major role of controlling the insolation without losing luminosity. The grilles comprise a surface that provides unity and verticality to the building.

Made of thin galvanized steel sheets, forming a checkered pattern of 5 x 5 x 5 cm, these grilles were also conceived to provide privacy to the social spaces of both buildings. Another important proposal of the project is the idea of one “house” type unit at the ground floor level.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY