*수평 연속적인 발코니가 인상적인 공동주거 [ Philippe Dubus Architectes ] B3B

프랑스 외곽 불로뉴비양쿠르에 위치한 73세대 규모의 공동주거 프로젝트는

광역적인 도시개발 플랜을 베이스로 하는 워크샵;-여섯명의 지역 건축가 팀과 에이젼시 타운 및 도시전문가,

건축주, 이 프로젝트에 관여된 이해관계자들- 을 통하여 도심속 주거공간의

패러다임을 변화시키는데 목적이 있습니다.

광역적인 도시컨텍스트 연결과 주거단지내 랜드스케이핑 그리고 각 유닛의

독자적이며 쾌적한 주거환경 구축을 목적으로 합니다.

여기서 먼저 건축물의 배치와 기본 윤곽은 도시전문가와 에이젼시가 진행하게 되며,

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공동주거의 구성은 크게 3개의 블록으로 북측 도로에 면한 7층 블록과 센터에 위치한

4층 블록 그리고 이웃한 다른 건축물과 맞다 있는 7층 블록으로 구성됩니다.

서측의 메시브함과 동측의 가벼움을 큰 줄거리로 구성되는 파사드 디자인은

개별적인 외부공간 확장을 꾀하는 외부 발코니에 연계성을 갖으며,

다음과 같은 재료로 구성됩니다. 콘크리트, 알루미늄, 아연도금강판, 우드, 그레이 판넬

그리고 저층부에 사용된 폴리카보네이트는 연속적인 발코니로 인하여 수평띠가 강조된

공동주거의 파사드를 다양하게 구성합니다.

-발코니는 공동주거 프로젝트의 특징을 고스란히 보여줍니다. 그중 하나는 발코니 천장면에

설치된 스틸로된 반사판입니다. 이것은 깊은 차양으로 인하여 태양의 직사광선은 막고

반사판을 이용한 간접광 유입으로 내부조도를 일정하게 유지시켜주는 효과를 가져 옵니다.-

reviewed by SJ

The project is located north of the macro-lot B3, on the trapeze, the Zac Seguin Rives de Seine in Boulogne-Billancourt. The 73 units of the operation performed for Icade Promotion housing were sold 54 units as VEFA to Foncière logements and 19 units to Immovalor.

Depending on the method used in the ZAC, the agency Philippe Dubus Architects has been appointed by all stakeholders of the ZAC, the SAEM Val de Seine, developer of the old Renault site, the group sponsors DBS, the City of Boulogne-Billancourt and the team Lispsky and Rollet, architects coordinators of the macro-lot ; in order to work with six teams selected on the macro-lot B3 and design a project of 73 units on the lot B3B.

The design and development of the project are the result of numerous discussions among all stakeholders, Town, urban planner, owner, and workshops organized by the agency Lispsky and Rollet with the six teams of architects of the macro-lot.

Templates, the volume and location of buildings are strongly constrained by the PLU, the dialing plan urban and SHON announced by Lispsky and Rollet after the consultation organized by SAEM Val de Seine.

The project is based on the requirements of the architectural and landscape architects coordinators and SAEM : - Change of architectural writing projects macro-lot B3 from west to east, from the massive in the west to lightness in the east. - Use of raw materials, concrete, aluminum, galvanized steel, wood, predominantly in shades of gray. - Development of private outdoor spaces as an extension of each unit through balconies ropy. - Treatment vegetated roofs and dressing shrines techniques.

The project is divided into three blocks: on the north, a building (7 levels) facing the street, with the alignment on the new road, a central pin (4 levels) in the heart of island, which is articulated with a « turret » posed in the gardens, punctuating the landscape inside of the island.

Each building is set on a common principle : The main facades are lightweight, they are composed of large full height glass frame in natural anodized aluminum and polycarbonate cladding panels "Ice" for outer insulation.

These facades take place in a raw concrete skeleton self-compacting: plinth at the bottom, perpendicular gable to the facades and vegetated roof terrace at the top. A precast concrete walkway 80 cm wide spins along light fronts, it allows maintenance, provides protection to fire and sunlight, in addition to awnings that fit all chassis.

In the heart of island, platforms protruding piggyback on these corridors, providing generous 15m ² to 30m ² of living space outside each unit, in cantilever over the gardens. The exterior soffit panels of polished aluminum fits up facades to capture the light and providing a sky to each terrace. Glass railings that meanders across corridors accentuate crystalline expression of the project.

Thermal : External insulation for the main façades and internal gables for raw concrete. Thermal performance THPE 2005, with heating. Structure & materials: Slabs and sails shear reinforced concrete , raw concrete self-compacting facade gables, precast balcony walkways and platforms,.

Facades: Chassis mixed wood / natural anodized aluminum, cladding panels polycarbonate Ice (Danpalon Everlite), laminated glass railings on vertical galvanized steel cladding, sub-surface platforms balcony finish polished aluminum composite panels (Alucobond), separative balconies colored laminated glass panels (Vanceva), canvas awnings & obscuring screen (Griesser

from  archello


Designed by JB FACTORY